You will practice your numbers 0-31 in this activity. German Numbers You will practice your numbers 0-31 in this activity.
Numbers 0-6 Null = zero (0) Eins = one (1) Zwei = two (2) Drei = three (3) Vier = four (4) Fünf = five (5) Sechs = six (6)
Numbers 7-12 Sieben = seven (7) Acht = eight (8) Neun = nine (9) Zehn = ten (10) Elf = eleven (11) Zwölf = twelve (12)
Pattern for the teens To form the numbers 13-19 you simply need to follow a pattern. You take the base number 3-9 and add the word for 10 to it. Thirteen becomes 3 (drei) 10 (zehn): dreizehn Fifteen becomes 5(fünf) 10 (zehn): fünfzehn
The teens Dreizehn = thirteen (13) Vierzehn = fourteen (14) Fünfzehn = fifteen (15) Sechzehn = sixteen (16) Siebzehn = seventeen (17) Achtzehn = eighteen (18) Neunzehn = nineteen (19)
The twenties To form the numbers in the twenties, once again you will use a pattern. You take the base number 1-9 Add the word “und” which means and Then attach the word “zwanzig” which means twenty 21 = ein (1) und (and) zwanzig (20)
Numbers 20-25 Zwanzig = 20 Einundzwanzig = 21 Zweiundzwanzig = 22 Dreiundzwanzig = 23 Vierundzwanzig = 24 Fünfundzwanzig = 25
Numbers 26-29 Sechundzwanzig = 26 (note the slight spelling change of dropping the final “s” in sechs) Siebenundzwanzig = 27 Achtundzwanzig = 28 Neunundzwanzig = 29
The thirties To form the numbers in the thirties, you follow the same pattern as before You take the base number 1-9 Add the word “und” which means and Then attach the word “dreißig” which means thirty. Notice that dreißig is the word for three (3) plus the suffix (ßig)
Numbers 30 + Dreißig = 30 Einunddreißig = 31 Zweiunddreißig = 32 Fünfunddreißig = 35 Achtunddreißig = 38 Neununddreißig = 39
How well do you know your numbers? How do you say one (1) in German? Zwei Drei Eins
Correct The number one is eins. Please continue to the next question.
Sorry That is not the correct answer. Please answer the questions again.
Question 2 How do you say three in German? Elf Drei Zwei
Correct The number three is drei. Please continue to the next question.
Question 3 How do you say seven in German? Sechs Zehn Sieben
Correct The number seven is sieben. Please continue to the next question.
Question 4 What number is vier? Four Five Six
Correct The number vier is four (4). Please continue to the next question.
Question 5 What number is elf? Twelve Eleven Twenty
Correct The number elf is eleven (11). Please continue to the next question.
Question 6 What number is zwei? Five Three Two
Correct The number zwei is two. Please continue to the next question.
Question 7 How do you form the teens? Zehn plus base number Base number plus zehn Base number plus ßig
Correct You form the teens by taking the base numbers 3-9 and adding zehn (10) to the end of it. Example: 14 = vier (4) zehn (10) vierzehn. Please continue to the next question.
Question 8 How do you say fifteen in German? Fünfzehn Vierzehn Zwanzig
Correct The number 15 is fünfzehn. Please continue to the next question.
Question 9 How do you say seventeen (17) in German? Siebenzehn Achtzehn Siebzehn
Correct Yes, 17 is siebzehn in German. There is a slight spelling change from the base number of sieben to form siebzehn. Please continue to the next question.
Question 10 What number is zwanzig? Ten Twenty Thirty
Correct Yes, zwanzig is the number twenty (20). Please continue to the next question.
Question 11 How do you form the numbers in the twenties? Zwanzig plus base number Base number plus zwanzig Base number plus und plus zwanzig
Correct To form the numbers in the twenties, you must use the following formula Base number + und + zwanzig Please continue to the next question.
Question 12 How do you say twenty-eight in German? Achtundzwanzig Zwanzigacht Zwanzigundacht
Correct Yes, twenty-eight (28) is achtundzwanzig in German. Please continue to the next question.
Question 13 What number is zweiundzwanzig? Twelve (12) Twenty-three (23) Twenty-two (22)
Correct Yes, zweiundzwanzig is twenty-two (22). Please continue to the next question.
Question 14 What is the pattern for the number thirty (30)? Base number + zehn Base number + ßig Base number + ty
Correct Yes, the pattern for thirty (30) is the base number (drei) plus ßig to form dreißig. Continue
How did you do? If you did well, then you seem to know your numbers fairly well. It never hurts to review more though. If you missed some questions, please spend some time reviewing your numbers. Making flashcards is helpful.