Date: 9/12 Topic: Causes of the Reformation People develop a questioning attitude and a sense of individualism Catholic Church is abusing power Printing Press allowed for spread of ideas Reformation Handout and Study Guide Assignment:None
Causes of the Reformation
Renaissance People developed a Questioning Attitude Individualism – People wanted a personal relationship with God
Church Abuses Worldliness of Clergy Many members of the Clergy were illiterate Nepotism – giving jobs to family members Simony – Selling of Jobs Selling of Indulgences
Economic Tithe – 10% of income given to Church The church said interest (Usury) was a sin.
Technology The Printing Press allowed ideas to spread quickly
Political German princes wanted the power of the Catholic Church People saw the Catholic Church as a foreign Ruler Individualism led to Nationalism – the desire to rule themselves.
Wrote 95 thesis condemning the sale of Indulgences Date: 9/13 Topic: Martin Luther Wrote 95 thesis condemning the sale of Indulgences Translated the New Testament into German = more affordable Formed Lutheranism- Salvation by faith alone + Justification by faith Martin Luther Profile //Peasants Revolt Assignment: Finish Worksheet
Martin Luther
Martin Luther vs. Indulgences Indulges were certificates that cancelled or reduced punishment for sins with repentance Pope Leo X began to sell Indulgences to raise money for St. Peters Bascillia
Indulgences were sold for: Cancel Sins without Repentance Guarantee you a spot in Heaven Future sins Sins of Dead Loved ones (Purgatory)
Justification by Faith Martin Luther believed in Justification by Faith. A person could be made good by faith in God’s Mercy and love.
95 Thesis Martin Luther wrote them against the sale of Indulgences and other Church practices Nailed to door of Wittenberg Church Printing Press – Mass Produced Sale of Indulgences declined
Martin Luther on the Run He is excommunicated – forced into hiding Translates the New Testament into German – the common person Formed Lutheranism
Lutheranism Salvation by Faith Alone – no amount of Good works / Only Trust in God’s Love Religious truth and authority lies in the Bible Not a Hierarchy of clergy, but a community of believers All occupations – not just clergy were important
Also believed in Salvation by faith alone Date:9/14 Topic: John Calvin Also believed in Salvation by faith alone Believed in Predestination: God picks people at birth Set up a theocracy in Geneva Switzerland Read together John Calvin // Quiz 16-3 Assignment: Finish Reformation Study Guide
John Calvin
Also like Martin Luther… He criticized Church Practices He Attacked abuses by Clergy He Believed in Salvation by Faith Alone
He also believed that Hard work, Ambition, and Thriftiness were good Christian Values. = Prosperity was a sign of Salvation
Predestination God knows all God knows or picks certain people for salvation even before birth Nothing a man could do to alter his destiny
Theocracy A church run society Geneva Switzerland Rebellion against Renaissance Individualism Self Importance Worldly Pleasures ONLY THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY IS IMPORTANT!!
Broke away from Catholic Church to get divorced Date: 9/18 Topic: Henry VIII Broke away from Catholic Church to get divorced Married six times- to get a son Edward VI (P), Mary © , Elizabeth (P): Church of England Assignment: Assignment 4
Henry VIII
Henry was a Catholic Criticized Martin Luther Married to Catherine of Aragon They had 6 Children Only 1 Survived – Mary He wanted to Marry Anne Boelyn He needs an annulment – catholic divorce – but the Pope refuses
Henry broke away from Church Parliament gives Henry power because they want land and $ Henry’s agents – Visitors – close monasteries, sold property, confiscated and destroyed treasures
Act of Supremacy Parliament passed a law – the Act of Supremacy – that created the Church of England with Henry as the head Church of England granted Henry a divorce.
Anne Boelyn Henry marries Anne Boelyn She gives birth to a daughter Elizabeth Anne Boelyn is killed so Henry can have another wife – to give him a SON
Jane Seymour Henry marries Jane Seymour She has one son – Edward He is sickly – She dies shortly after childbirth Henry marries 3 more times
Henry’s Children Edward takes the throne at age 9 – he dies by age 15. He is protestant Mary takes the throne because she is the oldest girl. Bloody Mary – Catholic – She killed all the protestants
Bloody Mary
Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth becomes queen 5 years later She re-establishes the Church of England and calls the religion Anglicanism It is a Protestant Church with Catholic Features She never marries or has children
Queen Elizabeth I
Date: 9/19 Topic: Spread of Protestantism • Students: Visualize the Spread of Protestantism -Map Exercise Assignment: Ch.16 section 4 // Assignment 5
Date: 9/20 Topic: Counter Reformation • Catholic church tries to stop Protestantism • Council of Trent redefines beliefs of Catholics • Ignatius Layola founds Society of Jesus-Jesuits -CP Quiz 16-4 Quiz 16-5 Assignment: Finish GR 16-5
The Counter Reformation The Catholic Reformation This is an Effort by the Catholic Church to stop Protestantism and strengthen Catholicism
Council of Trent - 1545 Meeting of Church leaders to redefine Church beliefs Indulgences are banned Faith and Good Works needed for Salvation Only Church can explain the Bible Pope is the final Authority
Index – A list of books Catholics should not read: Protestant Bible Inquisition – courts set up to find and punish people who did not agree with the Catholic Church - Heretics
Jesuits – Society of Jesus Set up by Ignatius Loyola Spread Catholicism Persuade Protestants to Return and Convert new Catholics Teachers and Missionaries Stressed Absolute discipline and obedience
TEST TOMORROW Date: 9/21 Topic:Review • Review Reformation • Reformation Transparency -Finish Quizes // Clue TEST TOMORROW