Prof. Neil Gershenfeld Director NSF CCR-0122419 NSF CCR-0122419
bits to atoms: building with logic atoms to bits: programming with math
Thresholds 1940s: Communications (Shannon) errors 1950s: Computation noise errors 1940s: Communications (Shannon) 1950s: Computation (Winograd, von Neumann) 2000s: Fabrication
in out m mm μm nm
How To Make (almost) Anything
The Liberal Arts The Trivium Grammar Rhetoric Logic The Quadrivium Arithmetic Geometry Music Astronomy The Illiberal Arts input: SVG, DXF (2D,3D), Gerber PCB, Excellon drill, JPG, TIFF output: G code, Roland mill & cutter, Omax waterjet, Epilog & Universal lasercutter, FEI focused ion beam, Haas machining center, Resonetics excimer micromachining
(Kalbag, Ike Chuang, Amy Sun, Anil Bahuman) Diesel Timing (Kalbag, Ike Chuang, Amy Sun, Anil Bahuman)
Bithoor CONVERT Java output to dxf or bitmap IMPORT dxf to 2D Design MILL polystyrene mold with Modella POUR and CURE silicon stamp in oven
(Haakon Karlson, Telenor, Manu Prakash) Nomadic Data (Haakon Karlson, Telenor, Manu Prakash) Lyngen Alps
fabrication, instrumentation divides Boston Fab Labs space (m), time (s) fabrication, instrumentation divides Ghana, Costa Rica, ... India Norway electronics 3D scan/mill PCB, electromagnetics analytical instrumentation