CLAS Teaching Policies and Procedures Important information about CLAS teaching policies and procedures are at the CLAS For Faculty link: Teaching Policies & Resources Course planning; classroom policies; oversight by the DEO; absence policies; academic misconduct; resources for faculty and students; grades Academic Programs UI General Catalog; majors, minors, certificates; modifying the curriculum; learning outcomes assessment; GE Program; first-year seminars
DEO oversight Teaching Policies syllabus Content course Title and Description Contact Information and Office Hours GE status and outcomes Overall outcomes Detailed calendar with clear subjects and due dates Early Assignments and feedback Variety of assessment methods of student work Exams Attendance policies and Procedures GRADES and don’t forget the CLAS policy insert
CLAS ABSENCE POLICY FOR STUDENTS Instructors should clarify their own particular policies and procedures on the syllabus, keeping in mind that the instructor's policy must also conform to the broader CLAS and UI expectations. CLAS and UI policy mandates that students be allowed to make up an EXAM missed because of sickness; unavoidable circumstances beyond the student's control; mandatory religious obligations; and official UI activities. Examples of official UI activities does not include personal activities such as rushing for a sorority; employment; volunteering for a club activity; or taking care of routine business, such as getting an UI ID card. An official activity is accompanied by an official letter from the related UI office or person. Missed exams because of a repeated illness can present a serious attendance issue. If a student is ill one time, no documentation is needed. If a student has a pattern of illness, missing more than one exam, medical documentation should be presented by the student.
Classroom Disturbances: Resources to Help Get Help Now: 911 and alert the Deans CLAS Academic Programs and Student Development (consultation about students, 335-2633 ) Student Care and Assistance, 335-3557, Office of the Dean of Students, consultation on Hospitalization Medical emergencies or long-term illness Mental health concerns Chronic conditions Death of a family member Natural disasters - fire, tornado, flood Off campus living concerns Unexpected events or challenges Threat Assessment Care Tea, Overview, 384-2955 Collaborate with CLASP and Assessment and Care Specialists. Provide new information as necessary regarding current cases. Advise on issues related to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Family/Medical Leave.
Handling Complaints We encourage students to bring complaints first to the instructor, then to the course supervisor, and finally to the Chair. Often students first of all want to be heard and understood. Listening is crucial. Faculty are used to making speedy decisions, but of course it is fine to say, “I need to consider this overnight. I will contact you by email tomorrow.” Feel free to write and or call me to consult before making a decision.