First United Methodist Church of Troy Week of October 22, 2017 Announcements for First United Methodist Church of Troy
Donate school supplies to a needy family or school.
Sunday, Oct. 22 Transformed by Grace
Sunday, Oct. 29 Transformed by Faith
Approach from North ONLY! Livernois Rd. north of Square Lake Rd. will close NOV. 8 for culvert replacement. Approach from North ONLY!
Volunteer Security Officer Needed to watch Door #2 Rehearsals on Mondays Genesis 4:30-5:25 Jubellee 5:30- 6:40 Please contact Lisa Head for Details
Dinner Groups! A chance to enjoy fellowship with members of the congregation Eat in- Eat out- your group chooses Dine monthly with your group for 4 months
Baldwin Center Soup Kitchen Next date is December 18th March 20, April 17, May 15, July 17, September 18, October 16, December 18 Meet at the church at 9:30am to car pool. Contact Linda Wright for more information.
Sunday October 22, 6 p.m. Learn How You can recognize the signs Protect our youth You can help
Robin Ostergaard or Marie Watson 9:30am – Noon RSVP to Robin Ostergaard or Marie Watson
Saturday October 28, 2017 9AM - Noon Trustees hope you will prayerfully consider volunteering your time and energy
will be our next Noisy Offering. Bring your coins! Sunday, October 29th will be our next Noisy Offering.
“Trick or Treating from trunk to trunk” TRICK OR TRUNK Sunday October 29th “Trick or Treating from trunk to trunk” Trick or treating, parade, games and prizes
Wonder Book Discussion Know Your Neighbor: Wonder Book Discussion “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.” WHO: All Ages WHEN: Thursday, November 2, 7–9 pm WHERE: Troy Community Center, 3179 Livernois Rd. HOW: visit to register
It's time for your story, memory or poem It's time for your story, memory or poem. We like stories from kids also. Advent Booklet Email Sara Matthews or Sheila Wilson
For help please contact Randy Wilson Register for Go to Select “Community” then select “Kroger community rewards” Create an account Add Organization Name: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF TROY and Organization Number: 82742 to Community Rewards in your account. For help please contact Randy Wilson
First United Methodist Church of Troy YOGA for Healthy Living *Donations of $10 and above are appreciated First United Methodist Church of Troy Bi-Weekly Sundays 4:00-5:00pm* Yoga for All Levels Sequence of Postures for Body flexibility Breathing Techniques to Relax Body & Mind For More info, Call 248-206-5603
Health Pros October 29 Blood Pressure checks in the CLC Last Sunday of each month This Month October 29
e-Giving is available Now! Go to and click on the blue "Donate" link and explore this new tool. e-Giving is available Now!
Men’s Boots and Shoes Needed for Jail Ministry Please place these items in the marked bin in the Small Stuff Ministries Corner.
"HOPE Needs Socks“ New men's crew or tube socks. Bring them to church marked "Socks for HOPE".
Small stuff = BIG DIFFERENCE Check out the “extra stuff” info in Mercer Hall Identify your extra stuff Help us fill the ministry bins Brought to you by the ‘Extra Stuff’ ministry group
FITNESS 4u! Senior Senior Fitness class at Troy 1st UMC Tuesday 1PM – Balance/Strength Tuesday 2PM - Core/Strength Lower Level CLC With Pam Olesen NSCA-CPT Drop in fee + Discount Cards
Scottish Country Dance Lessons Hide for Sanctuary Thursdays 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. FUMC CLC No Partner needed First Lesson Free, then $5
is the most widely used daily devotional in the Methodist Church. Find this on the counter in front of the office. Donations accepted
Please ask an usher for assistance. We offer assisted listening devices for your enhanced hearing needs. Please ask an usher for assistance.
Please ask an usher for assistance. For those who are in need of this ministry, we offer… Large Print Bulletin Large Print Please ask an usher for assistance.
Follow us on Facebook! Our Awesome Facebook page is: First United Methodist Church of Troy It’s new, it’s informative, it’s FUN. Check it out and LIKE us.
Have it to The church office by noon on Wednesdays. Want Your Announcement Here? Have it to The church office by noon on Wednesdays.
Tidings Announcements Due Have an announcement or article for the tidings? It must be submitted by the 3rd Monday of each month. November due date is: Monday, October 16th
October 2017 Tidings Information More You can always find additional information online in the Tidings Newsletter at Information More October 2017 Tidings