Why did US get invade Cuba?


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Presentation transcript:

Why did US get invade Cuba?

Comparing Headlines What does each headline imply? If these were articles, which would you have wanted to read first? Which do you think would have been the most reliable story? Why? Why might different newspapers choose to present the same event so differently?

Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine Havana Harbor, 1898 Cuba was colonized by Spain. Cuban rebels had been fighting for independence. Spain was thought to be brutal in repressing the rebellion. U.S. had business interests in Cuba. President McKinley had sent the Maine to Cuba (Why? To protect American interests? To prepare for war? To intimidate Spain? This is debated by historians. . .). Maine explodes on Feb 15, 1898. Who sunk the Maine?

“Awake United States!” This song was rushed into print between the sinking of the Maine on February 15, 1898, and the declaration of war on April 25, 1898. Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry! And how proudly sailed the warship Maine, a Nation’s pride, without a stain! A wreck she lies, her sailors slain. By two-faced butchers, paid by Spain! Eagle soar on high, And sound the battle cry Wave the starry flag! In mud it shall not drag!

Who Sunk the Maine? Document Publication Date According to this article, what happened to the Maine? What information is included to support this version of the story? Write a quotation that contrasts with something written in the other article. New York Journal New York Times On the back of your paper: Compare the evidence used by both newspapers to support their claims about what happened to the Maine. Address each of the following: Which newspaper uses stronger evidence? Explain. Which account do you find more believable? Why?

Debrief Discussion Do you know what happened to the Maine? What evidence do you have for your answer? Give an example where the reporter uses solid evidence to support a claim made in the article. Do you think these articles would have been received differently by their readers in 1898? How so? How significant do you think the Maine explosion was to the American people at this time? Why?

The Spanish-American War

Causes of the Spanish-American War How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? American Business Owners Urged U.S. intervention to protect American business interests in Cuba

Causes of the Spanish-American War How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? José Martí Provoked U.S. intervention against Spain by deliberately destroying American-owned sugar mills and plantations (“Cuba Libre!”)-- killed in battle in 1895 Spanish put down rebellions cruelly and with little regard to human rights ?

Causes of the Spanish-American War How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? Valeriano Weyler Spanish Governor & general; began to relocate rebellious Cuban natives to “reconcentration camps” where they could be monitored by the military; thousands died of disease or starvation

Causes of the Spanish-American War How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? Yellow journalism Newspapers exaggerated stories (Pulitzer/Hearst); encouraged the American public to sympathize with Cuban rebels and the war. US newspapers began to carry sensationalized stories about the actions of the Spanish in Cuba, causing many Americans to sympathize with the Cuban desire for independence

McKinley Tries Negotiations US business interests in Cuba were threatened by the unrest McKinley threatened to recognize Cuba as an independent state if Spain did not establish some stability there; Spain agreed to give Cuba autonomy (but not independence) This led Spanish loyalists to riot in Havana, forcing McKinley to dispatch the USS Maine to protect US interests in Cuba and to evacuate Americans if things got too violent

Causes of the Spanish-American War How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? De Lôme letter A private letter written by Spanish Ambassador to the US Enrique Dupuy de Lôme was stolen and published in Pulitzer’s papers. The letter described Pres. McKinley as “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd” and as someone unwilling to go to war over Cuba. Americans were enraged

Causes of the Spanish-American War How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? U.S.S. Maine Feb. 15, 1898 U.S. ship exploded in Havana harbor, killing 266 sailors; led to widespread support for war with Spain; McKinley asked Congress to declare war b/c US investigation concluded that the ship had been deliberately blown up by a Spanish mine Remember the Maine! And to hell with Spain!

Jingoism McKinley was reluctant to go to war and hoped for peace Many Republicans (including a young Theodore Roosevelt) grew angry with McKinley’s reluctance for war; they believed in a form of nationalism called “jingoism” – a blind willingness to use force against other nations to protect the best interests of the US McKinley caved to the pressure in April 1898 and asked Congress to authorize the use of force against Spain if they did not withdraw. Spain responded with declaring war.

The Teller Amendment Passed prior to the war, the Amendment stated that the US would not attempt to annex Cuba; instead, the US vowed to support Cuban independence

“It has been a splendid little war.” – John Hay US Navy blockaded Cuban ports and destroyed the Spanish fleet sent to protect Cuba 17,000 US ground forces fought in Cuba between June 14 and August 12. US Asiatic fleet attacked Spanish colony of the Philippines, crushing Spain’s navy in a matter of hours with only nine wounded US sailors US soldiers on their way to occupy the Philippines also seized the Spanish colony of Guam in the Central Pacific

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? T. Roosevelt & the Rough Riders Volunteer cavalry who charged up San Juan Hill and defeated Spanish infantry; newspapers declared TR a hero Buffalo Soldiers: about 25% of US soldiers who fought in the war were black; 345 Americans died in the war (mostly from disease) although hundreds more died from disease epidemics in training camps in the US

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? Treaty of Paris Ceasefire signed by U.S. and Spain; war lasted only 15 weeks Cuba became independent US gains control of Guam and Puerto Rico US purchases Philippines from Spain for $20 million

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? Cuba Independence led to passage of the Platt Amendment (U.S. reserved the right to intervene in Cuba and establish a military base) but could not annex Cuba (Teller Amendment) Platt Amendment was forced on Cuba .. Cuba Could not: 1. Enter into alliances that might threaten its independence 2. Allow foreign powers (except the US, who gained control of a naval base at Guantanamo Bay) to control territory in Cuba 3. Go into debt to foreign nations US would have the right to intervene at any time to protect Cuban independence or to maintain order

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? Puerto Rico Went from Spanish to American rule  led to the Foraker Act (PR is placed under direct control of the U.S.) did not make Puerto Ricans US citizens or give them constitutional rights

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? Guam Went from Spanish to American rule

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? Philippine Islands Sold by Spain to the U.S. ($20 million); annexed by the U.S. (led to the Philippine-American War)

Effects of the Spanish-American War What happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? America as an Imperialist Power? Some Americans felt a moral obligation to “civilize”; others thought imperialism violated the Declaration of Independence “There was nothing left for us to do but take them all [Philippine Islands], and to uplift the Filipinos, and uplift and Christianize them.” – President William McKinley “My opinion is that the Philippines should be given the opportunity to govern themselves.” – Booker T. Washington, believed America should settle race-related issues at home before taking on social problems abroad “If the Philippines are annexed…how can we prevent the Chinese…from going to the Philippines and from there swarm into the United States and engulf our people and our civilization? – Samuel Gompers, founder of the American Federation of Labor