Presentation on topics is Output Device
What is an Output Device ? An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world.
The output devices are: Monitor Speaker Headphone Printer Plotter Projector
Monitor Monitor is a TV like device that display information. It can display text as well as graphic images in color or black & white while based on monitor type. Monitors are classified on the basis of color and signals.
The classification of monitor 1. Based on color 2. Based on signals
Based on color Based on color monitor are three types: They are:- Monochrome Gray-scale Multi color
Monochrome It display two color, one on the forge round and one on the background the colors can be black and white, green and black and amber and black.
Gray-scale Special type of monochrome Monitor capable of display different Shades of gray.
Multi-color They are called RGB monitor. They accept three separate signals Red, Green and Blue. A multi-color monitor can display any color.
Based on signals Based on signs monitor are two types: Digital Monitor Analog Monitor
Digital Monitor It accepts digital signals rather than analog. The term digital refers to the type of input received from the video adapter. Digital monitors are fast and produce clear images. Ex: Flat-panel display which uses Liquid Crystal Display technology.
Analog Monitor This is the traditional type of color display that has been used for years in televisions. In reality all monitors based on CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) technology are analog. The monitor consumes much space.
Some analog monitor Flat Panel Display : For laptop computers more compact, low-power, and durable monitors are used, A number of flat-panel display technology are available for this. The most common are the plasma and liquid crystal display.
Plasma Display: A Plasma display consists of ionized near argon gas (plasma) sealed between two glass plates. One plate encase a set of vertical wires. Pixel are formed by the intersection of the horizontal and vertical wires.
CRT: Liquid crystal display have been used for several years in calculators and digital watches. A thin layer of liquid crystal substance is suspended between two thin sheets in polarized gloss and separated by a wire grade into tiny squares. As current is applied to the wires the liquid crystal substance within the square changes from clear to opaque or black. The thousands of clear and black squares produce palters of characters.