subvert: verb definition: to overthrow (something established or existing) to cause the downfall, ruin, or destruction of to undermine the principles of; corrupt
subvert pronunciation: suh b-vurt
subvert noun subversion subverter adjective subversive adverb related forms: noun subversion subverter adjective subversive adverb subversively
subvert synonyms: undermine destabilize threaten destruction disruption revolution overthrow sabotage defeat
subvert Lance Armstrong subverted his integrity by succumbing to the allure of performance-enhancing drugs.
subvert Originally associated with romantic love, Valentine’s Day has been commercialized and its purpose has been subverted.
subversion Terrorist attacks are acts of subversion that threaten the well-being of society.
subversive The teacher did everything in her power to quell the subversive habits of her students.
subversive The subversive groundhog took pleasure in keeping the public in suspense until the last minute.
subversive When ET arrived on Earth, government agents tracked him as a subversive force.
subversive During the 1960’s, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s commitment to the Civil Rights movement was considered subversive by many Americans.
subversively subversively The spider stalked the butterfly it had entrapped in its web.
subversively The puppy subversively thwarted the kitten’s attempt to listen to its owner.