Meaghan Leake, RN James Madison University Tell the World Meaghan Leake, RN James Madison University
2006- 2007; High school Junior Attended Page County Technical Center’s Nursing Assistant program. Learned medical terminology, how to obtain vital signs and skills required to pass a state licensing examination. Participated in clinicals at MontVue nursing home in Luray, VA Sat for the state licensing exam in June of 2007 and passed.
2007-2008; High School Senior Assisted the school nurse for one class period daily. Took temperatures, gave ice packs and took blood pressures for teachers that requested.
2008-2010; James Madison University Freshmen and Sophomore Years Took prerequisites required for an undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant at an Assisted Living Facility in Harrisonburg, VA. Found out in Fall of 2009 that I had be placed on a year and a half wait list for the nursing program at JMU Decided that I needed to transfer to another nursing program if I wanted to continue for my RN- “Taking a break” wasn’t an option for me! Applied for LFCC’s RN program and got accepted!
2010- 2012; Lord Fairfax Community College- Associate’s Degree in Nursing Program Started in LFCC’s ADN program as soon as I finished up my sophomore year at JMU. A large reason for my acceptance was my CNA background! As I proceeded in the program, I found that my knowledge obtained from being a CNA greatly help me in the classroom setting as well as at the clinical sites. While at LFCC I worked at a PMH as an Administrative Assistant on the MedSurg floor. I graduated from LFCC, took the NCLEX and began working as a Registered Nurse!
Life as a Registered Nurse My first job as a Registered Nurse was at a Long Term Care/ Rehabilitation facility in New Market, VA as a “skilled unit” nurse. I took care of patients recently released from the hospital. Acutely ill patients and those with recent joint replacements, amputations, severe infection that required IV antibiotics, patients that needed WoundVacs, etc As a nurse on a skilled unit I did the following: Assessed patients, changed dressings, started IVs, drew blood, administered medications (PO, SubQ, IM, IV) and much more. On occasion, I would work with long term care residents. Individuals with Dementia, Alzheimer’s and chronic diseases.
Life as a Registered Nurse AND Teacher After a few months of working as a nurse on the floor I was offered an as needed position as a “MDS coordinator”. In this position I held an administrative role. I worked at a desk with minimal patient contact. My job was to create care plans and input patient information into the computer. This was a dramatic change in pace and duties, but I was excited for an opportunity to play multiple roles in my facility. About three years in the Long Term Care field, I decided to become a teacher. Not just any teacher, a teacher that was required to have their Registered Nurse license. I was offered a job as a Teacher of Medical Assisting at the same school that I had gone to 9 years prior.
A Nurse, a teacher and now…. A Student! When I took the job as an educator, I had already applied and was accepted to JMU’s RN to BSN program. I began taking courses towards my BSN in the fall of 2015. Having three years of nursing experience under my belt not only helped with the educational aspect of seeking a higher degree, but it helped financially as well. I continue to work as a nurse at the LTC facility on an as needed basis as I teach high school Juniors and Seniors that want to be Medical Assistants full time. All while going back to school myself!
The End is Near In conclusion, my point of this presentation is to explain that the path we want isn’t always the path we will take; however, if you want something bad enough, you will do what is necessary to accomplish it! Whether it’s a four year university you aspire to attend or a technical school, always take the steps that right for you and will offer you the most experience and knowledge while pursuing your dreams! I will soon be, Mrs. Meaghan Leake, RN BSN