By : Bilawal Khan , Salman butt Cyber Bullying By : Bilawal Khan , Salman butt
What Is Cyber Bullying? The use of electronic communication to bully someone. Typically insulting , intimidating or threatening someone. Bilawal Khan
What should you do if you are cyberbullied? If you are cyber bullied you should…. Tell a teacher. Call a student helpline. Tell the bully to stop, calmly. Bilawal Khan
How do people cyberbully others? People mostly use social media to bully others They are motivated by anger or Revenge Taking embarrassing photos of others to get a reaction. Bilawal Khan
How can cyberbullies be caught? CONTACT THE POLICE. Screenshot EVERYTHING. Show a teacher. Track the BULLIES ISP. Bilawal Khan
What will you do to prevent cyberbullying in your community? Stand up for people being bullied ! Take an anti bullying pledge. Start an anti bullying club! Tell your parents to sponsor a workshop. Bilawal Khan
How can you be a good cybercitizen? Don't be a cyber-bully. Protect yourself and those around you. Think first act second. Teach people to be a good Cybercitizen. Bilawal Khan
What are some consequences of cyberbullying? Suicide is a huge problem with bullying. Victims hurting themselves Victims trying to get revenge Victims think bad of themselves Bilawal Khan
What to do if you see bullying? Tell a nearby adult Stand up for the victim Tell the bully to stop Record the bully Bilawal Khan