FFA f r life!
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Treasurer’s Report "To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess." OPENING CEREMONIES Minutes of the Previous Meeting Treasurer’s Report
Welcome! Text: Follow@kleinforestffa To: 40404 Beatriz …..
Committee Chairs Fundraiser –Matthew Santiago (BBQ) Farm- Jose Castellon Community Service – Katherine Oglesby Greenhand – Karen Pineda Public Relations – Catherine Melton Banquet Social- Vanessa Alvarado Set Up/Clean Up-Jayme Burnett
Animal $ and paperwork-Chelsey OLD Business FFA Dues- Torrey FFA Jacket-Maritza Animal $ and paperwork-Chelsey LDE’s-Natashia DV Meeting-Saira Ag Olympics-Beatriz
Turkey Pick Up 10/10/12 Go to the Barn afterschool! Simmons will deliver your birds to you at the barn! -Saira
Swine Selection DO NOT BE LATE! -Chelsey Selection will take place on October 20, 2012 at the Multipurpose Center FM2920. Drawing selection will be from 11:00am till 11:30am. Failure to draw by 11:30 will result in being moved to the end of selection. Viewing will be from 11:00am until 1:00pm. Selection at 1:00pm. DO NOT BE LATE! -Chelsey
Seitz Fundraiser Forms were delivered during Ag classes and are due to Strickler October 10th with $$$$$$$$$$$Money$$$$$$$$$$ *Mystery Shopper Announcement -Matthew (Committee)
Community Service Fall Festival 29th and 30th are work days at the new multipurpose center! 31st Fall Festival ***BRING CANDY**** Sign Ups are at the Door!! T-Shirt Sizes!!! -Travis (Oglesby)
Youth Expo! Pig and Heifer Exhibitors! October 17-19th -Torrey
Klein ISD Livestock and Project Show Cover Art Contest Want to earn a buckle! Design the 2013 KISD Livestock and Project Show Catalog Cover! Must include all 4 high schools, must be your own work, if copied must have copyright approval, and must say February 14-17th -Torrey
Greenhand Activity Tuesday Oct 23rd Meet in Parker’s Room -Beatriz(Karen)
Last Day to Pay! Dues are Due October 26th All paid FFA members will receive a hamburger lunch! -Natashia
Fresh Country Dessert Sales October 29th we will meet in the teaching theater to distribute the next fundraising form. -Maritza
District V LDE’s Friday November 9th @ Kingwood Lonestar You will receive permission slips from your LDE coach! -Tiffany
Major Stock Show Entries Major Show Entries and $ are due to Simmons By November 13th! -Rosio
Closing Ceremonies…
Never have I ever… Fajita Time