Writing in Guided Reading
Pre – A Interactive Writing Teacher Created Sentence Choose words with the letters and sounds you have targeted with this book. Have students repeat sentence. Draw lines for each word on the sentence strip. Have students help write the parts of the word they know and can hear. Refer back to alphabet chart. Cut apart, hand out, and put back together.
Emergent – Levels A-C Dictated Sentence Give sight word assessment Use new sight word introduced and other known words/ sounds Have students repeat sentence. Turn and talk. Repeat to teacher and teacher draws lines in notebook. Emphasize finger spacing. Take away lines when they can model their own spaces. Don’t dictate word by word. Have them reread. What makes sense? Use top part of notebook to scaffold (pg 92) Add their own second sentence. Appendix A in The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading Jan Richardson video
Early- Levels D-I B-M-E (Beginning-Middle-End) Level D & above Teacher Post-its, sequence Student-generated Post-its, sequence Post-its in book B-M-E graphic organizer Level D, still dictated sentences After Level F: Use transition words Level D & above **Say It, Turn and Talk, Tell the Teacher** Jan Richardson Early Writing video
SWBST (Somebody Wanted, But, So, Then) Problem-Solution Somebody Wanted…So SWBST (Somebody Wanted, But, So, Then) Use graphic organizer Transition to key words in top of notebook. Level F & above
Character Feelings Character Traits B-M-E, Teacher Post-its handed out Post-its in book Organizer in top of notebook Use sentence stem: In the beginning, Sally felt _____ because/when _______. **Say It, Turn and Talk, Tell the Teacher** Character Traits Introduce a character trait that fits one of the characters Do 4 steps of DEFINE, CONNECT, RELATE TO CHARACTER, TURN AND SHARE Use Post-its in book to look for evidence Find evidence without Post-its placed in book Level F & above Level H & above
Non-Fiction Responses Fact Recall – Write 3 facts about _____. Teacher Post-its, students generate Students say fact, teacher picks key word for post-it Post-its in book, write only 2-3 words One post-it, three key words/phrases Vocabulary 1st day- Do 4 steps: Define, Connect, Relate to Book, Turn and Talk 2nd day- give a main idea with new vocabulary word Write main idea on white board Find evidence of that main idea, stick in post-its Decide key words Practice orally, turn and talk, tell the teacher Write main idea and 2 sentences Level D & above Level H & above
Transitional – Levels J-P FICTION Tie to discussion starter in Day 1 and 2 Use My Word Wall (p. 325) Let students choose B-M-E or SWBST Character Feelings/Traits Same procedures as Early, only with more “juicy words (p. 327) Use Post-it choices from list, students pick to describe Describe 2 characters and their traits Give sentence stem. Five-Finger Retell Three mini paragraphs 1st- Character, setting, problem 2nd – Important Events from beginning and middle 3rd- How it ended
V.I.P – Very Important Part Use Post-its to mark a very important part from beginning, middle, and end Write about just those parts to summarize the story Compare/Contrast Pick 2 characters or 2 books Write 3-5 sentences of how they are the same/different
NON-FICTION Vocabulary Flip Book **Don’t have to write about the whole book!** Vocabulary Same as Early, gradually release scaffolding and ask for more details Sunday Cummins PASTA method Pick 3 words from glossary or index and create a sentence. Can’t use the definition in sentence. Flip Book Question on the flap. Evidence and supporting details inside. Sequence how to or key words on flap. Important detail inside. Opinion Writing Write a letter to agree or disagree – Why or why not? Express concern and offer possible solutions
Fluent Levels- N and above Same responses as Transitional Core Writing Standards Pg. 244-245 The Next Steps Forward in Guided Reading