Elements of a high level event Unni Strand Karlsen IOF Foot O Commission
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Agenda Type of High level events The relationship between IOF and Organisers Time plan and milestones Event quality management 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Focus points Fairness Quality Provision for many groups Finances is critical TV makes big demands on the event 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
Type of High Level Events World Games (WG) World Championships (WOC) Junior World Championships (JWOC) World Cup (WCup) World Master Championships(WMOC) Regional Championships (RC) 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
The relationship between IOF and Organisers IOF retains all rights to defined High level events IOF does not organise events IOF is dependent on partners National Federations Local organisers A High level event is a production outsourced by the IOF 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Central actors CONTRACT National Federation IOF Event Advising Team IOF SEA National Controller CONT CONTRACTS CONTRT ORGANISER EVENT PLAN 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
WOC EA Model – new structure 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Contracts 1 IOF Contracts are always with the National Federation Partnership Agreement Sponsorship rights agreement TV-rights agreement The National Federation subcontracts a Local Organiser 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Contracts 2 Rules and Guiding Documents Any deviations from Rules Brand and Logo – IOF shall be visible Event Advising – sharing of responsibilities Regular status reports in English! Participation fee shall be approved by IOF IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw 04-05-02-2017
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Event plan Reference in Partnership Agreement Key document for detailing implementation Steering document for planning All items to be approved by SEA Dynamic document, signed by Event director and SEA Reviewed in detail at every SEA-team visit 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
The Event Plan, contents 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw The Event Plan, detail Time keeping and punching system testing plan: System Will be tested at Test details Punching April 2-3rd Time-keeping June 9th Results mgmt The technical systems will be tested at 4 competitions in the WOC district from April 2nd to June 12th 2016. This include all disciplines, including sprint relay. 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
Bulletins are good milestones 1 WOC + JWOC - Bulletin 1 24 months before - Bulletin 2 12 months before - Bulletin 3 3 months before - Bulletin 4 Upon arrival 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
Bulletins are good milestones 2 World Cup Bulletin 1/2 12 months before Bulletin 3 2 months before Bulletin 4 Upon arrival WMOC Bulletin 1/2 18 months before Bulletin 3 1 months before 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
Event quality management IOF commission shall have the continuous CONTROL from evaluation of application to final evaluation of the event Each commission shall appoint a supervisor Supervisors must have the overview and will assist the SEA s 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw
IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw Summary IOF has a contractual relationship with the organising Federation Main governing documents are Partnership agreement Event plan Quality is secured by the SEA advising team with assistant from the supervisor and relevant commission 04-05-02-2017 IOF High Level Event Seminar, Warsaw