FURTHER STUDIES ON COMMISSIONING DATA MAIN TOPICS : study of trigger acceptance ( combined fit ) first look at residuals (for resolution and alignment studies) Giorgia Mila, Vincenzo Monaco Gianluca Cerminara Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
Study of the trigger angular acceptance The initial problem : We observed a regular pattern of distorted time boxes and drops in MB4 occupancy plots We supposed that this was due to a trigger acceptance asymmetry : the TRACO connects the BTIs of two phi SLs without taking into account the correct staggering Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
Study of the trigger angular acceptance OUR GOAL : extract the trigger acceptance for each type of chamber and for different trigger configurations in order to check possible asymmetries for MB4 trigger sector 5 sector 6 ANALIZED SECTORS: (wheel 1) sector 8 Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
ASSUMPTIONS & STUDIES TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE The method requires that : the cosmics angular distribution is the same for all the chambers (symmetric with respect to the vertical direction ) trigger acceptances have the same angular dependence for all the chambers (it has the same angular dependence for all the chambers in a half-wheel – same staggering between SLs) We have compared : The trigger HH+HL acceptance between MB2 / MB4 The MB2 trigger acceptance between HH+HL / Default / Hanytheta Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
The study has been performed only on phi SLs TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE FIRST STEP This method relies only on the angular distributions of reconstructed tracks Measured distributions (trigger HH+HL) sector 6 sector 5 sector 8 MB4 MB2 -60° -30° 60° The study has been performed only on phi SLs Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
N(φ, φ0)= kφo · f(φ- φ0) · acc(φ) TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE SECOND STEP The measured angular distributions of reconstructed tracks N(φ) for a chamber with an angle φo with respect to the vertical direction are : N(φ, φ0)= kφo · f(φ- φ0) · acc(φ) φ0 acc(φ) = trigger acceptance (unknown) f(φ) = cosmics angular distribution (unknown) with : With an iterative method including a combined fit of the measured angular distributions from chambers with the same internal geometry (equal angular dependence of the trigger acceptance) it is possible to extract: the cosmics angular distribution f(φ) (parameterized) kφ0· acc(φ) = trigger acceptance (the normalization factor kφ0 can be determined only by defining the absolute cosmic flux) the relative fractions kφ0/ kφ0’ of tracks crossing the different chambers (the method has been carefully checked on a simulation ) Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
1. RESULTS – cosmics distributions TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE 1. RESULTS – cosmics distributions Cosmics angular distributions obtained for MB4 and MB2 (data taken with a HH+HL trigger) PARAMETERIZATION : Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
1. RESULTS – global acceptance TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE 1. RESULTS – global acceptance Angular dependence of the global HH+HL trigger acceptances obtained for MB4 and MB2 The HH+HL trigger acceptance of a MB4 chamber is more asymmetric than a MB2 one (in MB2 chambers the staggering between SLs is of only 1 cell) Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
1. RESULTS – single chamber acceptance TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE 1. RESULTS – single chamber acceptance Acceptances for single chambers (MB4) Trigger acceptance sector 5 sector 6 sector 8 Measured angular distributions -30° -60° 60° Each single chamber has an acceptance very similar to the global one Note that the points with a big error are correlated to very inclined tracks (at angles of about 90 degrees respect to the vertical) Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
2. RESULTS – global acceptance TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE 2. RESULTS – global acceptance Angular dependence of the MB2 trigger acceptance for different trigger configurations The HH+HL configuration has the smallest angular acceptance Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
2. RESULTS – cosmics distribution TRIGGER ACCEPTANCE 2. RESULTS – cosmics distribution Cosmics angular distributions obtained with the 3 different trigger configurations (data taken with on a MB2 chamber) Although the 3 triggers have different angular acceptance they give very similar cosmics angular distributions Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
RESOLUTION We have implemented the possibility to exclude one layer at a time from the segment fit to obtain an unbiased resolution measurement It is important to study the plots of residuals on the distance from the wire and on the position because they give different information distance info about ttrig and vdrift position info about possible misalignments inside the SL NOTE : We didn’t use t0 correction event by event Drift velocity not perfectly calibrated Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
Without layer exclusion RESOLUTION Residuals on hit distance from wire Without layer exclusion # events |xm|-|xextr| σ residuals = 530 μm |xm|-|xextr| (cm) |xextr|(cm) With layer exclusion # events |xm|-|xextr| σ residuals = 700 μm Big effect due to the systematic uncertainties in ttrig for cosmics |xm|-|xextr| (cm) |xextr|(cm) Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
Residuals & uncertainties in ttrig RESOLUTION Residuals & uncertainties in ttrig Ideal event with correct ttrig Event where there is a systematic uncertainty on ttrig (real case for cosmics data since not bunched) If we remove one hit from the fit, the residual increases more than in the ideal case where ttrig is perfectly known Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
About residuals computation RESOLUTION About residuals computation it would be useful to use Anna’s routine for event by event t0 corrections we need to tune calibration parameters ( ttrig and vdrift ). Needed tools are already implemented in ORCA (see Sara & Gianluca’s talk of tomorrow session) but: how to define the recipe for the ttrig definition independently from drift velocity what is the effect of cosmics ttrig uncertainties on the Mean Timers : is it still possible to calibrate the vdrift from Mean Timers? Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
OVERVIEW TO DO : Add in our analysis the t0 correction event by event routine (plans to have it public/committed?) Study misalignments between the SLs inside a single chamber Study misalignments inside a SL Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006
Bumps in angular distributions EXPLICATIONS Bumps in angular distributions vertical vertical horizontal horizontal Before and after the yellow line (horizontal cosmics) we could observe two separate distributions corresponding to tracks with opposite directions. The bump is due to tracks crossing the chamber from the inner to the outer SL. Giorgia Mila - INFN Torino 08-02-2006