What can you remember about the Kaaba ?


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Presentation transcript:

What can you remember about the Kaaba ?

The 5th Pillar Hajj –Pilgrimage Explain 4 reasons why Muslims feel it is important to go to Mecca. Mecca is where Abraham built the Kaaba (his “footsteps” can be seen) The Qu’ran says Abraham was told by the angel to proclaim that everyone should go on pilgrimage to the Kaaba The Black Stone that was given to Adam & Eve and Abraham by angel, is there Mecca is where Mohammad was born, lived and preached, so it is special for Muslims To recognise Hajj as the 5th pillar of Islam To describe what Muslims do on Hajj To explain what Muslims learn from doing the Hajj

Ihram Tawaf Sa’i Arafat Mina Shaving Divide a whole page into 6 boxes Write the arabic word at the top of each box in order of the arrows. 1. You have 4 minutes to read the information on your slip & make notes on what Muslims do at that stage *Draw a picture for that stage

Ihram Tawaf Sa’i Arafat Mina Shaving Remember to be pure and sinless Allah’s goodness in giving Muslims the Kaaba/ worship of Him Ihram Tawaf Sa’i Arafat Mina Shaving What could Muslims learn from meditating on each part of the Hajj? Choose 2 of the stages. Explain in detail what Muslims learn from doing this. (Remember to link it back to that stage/ story to show why you say this. ) Allah will provide Dedicate yourself to Allah, fresh start Resist the devil Suffer for the shame of your sins

Whose story do Muslims celebrate when they do the Hajj Whose story do Muslims celebrate when they do the Hajj? Does this surprise you?

TASK: Turn your book on it’s side, take a whole page and draw the following diagram IN PENCIL! Write “Hajj – pilgrimage” in the 5th pillar. First Pillar Second Third Fifth Fourth islam Why is Hajj called a “pillar” of Islam?

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