What is Reverse Engineering? A systematic methodology for analyzing the design of an existing device or system, either as an approach to study the design or as a prerequisite for re-design.
Reverse Engineering helps you to: Develop a systematic approach to thinking about the engineering design of devices and systems Acquire a mental data bank of mechanical design solutions
Levels of Analysis in Reverse Engineering System-Wide Analysis Subsystem Dissection Analysis Individual Component Analysis
System-Wide Analysis Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements Functional Specifications Prediction of Subsystems and Components
Subsystem Dissection Analysis Document Disassembly Define Subsystems Determine Subsystem Functional Specifications Determine Subsystem Physical/Mathematical Principles
Individual Component Analysis Repeat Dissection Steps to Individual Component Define Component Material Selection and Fabrication Process Suggest Alternative Designs, Systems, Components, and Materials
Reverse Engineering Reasons for reverse engineering: Product analysis. - To examine how a product works, what components it consists of, estimate costs, and identify areas of potential patent infringement. Digital update/correction. - To update the digital version (e.g. CAD model) of an object to match an "as-built" condition. Security auditing. Acquiring sensitive data by disassembling and analysing the design of a system component. .
Reverse Engineering Reasons contd … Military or commercial espionage … Learning about an enemy's or competitor's latest research by stealing or capturing a prototype and dismantling it. Removal of copy protection, circumvention of access restrictions. Creation of unlicensed/unapproved duplicates. Competitive technical intelligence (understand what your competitor is actually doing, versus what they say they are doing).
Reverse Engineering Reasons contd … Academic/learning purposes. Learning: - learn from others' mistakes. Do not make the same mistakes that others have already made and subsequently corrected. Lost documentation: - Reverse engineering often is done because the documentation of a particular device has been lost (or was never written), and the person who built it is no longer available.
The terms for establishing needs Existing short comings in product Reduced cost Easy use More accurate More efficient Less wastage Safety Quality of life Etc..
SAFETY AND QUALITY OF LIFE TYPE WRITER FOR BLIND: Perkinson Brailler KIDNEY DIALYSIS TREATMENT : Problem1: Machine design Problem2: Patient to be attached to machine every week Problem 3: access to many at a time Problem 4: Portable
IMPROVING THE EXISTING PRODUCT or SYSTEM DC HEART DIFFIBRILLATOR: Problem1: AC defibrillator Problem2: DC defibrillator Problem3: User friendly
OPPORTUNITIES FROM SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENTS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Yours and mine OPPORTUNITIES FROM SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENTS The newly discovered technology or the scientific fact may give the scope for new products or the improvement in the existing products Humidity control with cool air for color printing applications. Problem 1: controlling the room temperature. Problem2: Usage of ammonia Problem3; Usage of hazardous freons
The engineers ideas should target the basic needs of society such as SERVICE TO HUMANITY The engineers ideas should target the basic needs of society such as Food Shelter Heat Health care Transportation Communication By Garret Morgan