Usage: Agreement Chapter 8
Aim: I will be able to identify correct agreement in number, subject/verb, and pronoun/antecedent.
Number Number is the form a word takes to indicate whether the word is singular or plural. When a word refers to one person, place, thing, or idea, it is singular in number. When a word refers to more than one, it is plural in number.
Singular and plural Regularly, words have –s or –es added to form a plural. Singular: cookie Plural: cookies Singular: dog Plural: dogs However, some words are pluralized irregularly. Singular: ox Plural: oxen Singular: child Plural: children
Let’s complete some exercises in the textbook: P. 148 exercise 1 #1-20 Identify the given word as s or p, and then give its other form.
Subject-Verb Agreement A verb should agree in number with its subject: Singular subjects take singular verbs. Plural subjects take plural verbs. Examples: Mexican art is interesting. Mexican holidays are celebrated in the Southwest.
P. 149 Exercise 2 #1-10 P. 149 Exercise 3 #1-10 Practice P. 149 Exercise 2 #1-10 P. 149 Exercise 3 #1-10 P. 150 Exercise 4 #1-10
Phrases The number of a subject is not changed by a phrase following the subject. Example: The phases of the moon are caused by changes in the amount of sunlight reflected by the moon. Phases must agree with the verb. Moon is not the subject, so it does not need to agree with the verb.
Examples of phrases following the subject: The hero of those folk tales is Coyote. The successful candidate, along with her aides, has entered the auditorium. Scientists from all over the world have gathered in Geneva.
Practice: P. 151 Exercise 5 #1-10
Indefinite pronouns can be singular or plural. A pronoun that doesn’t refer to a definite person, place, thing, or idea is called an indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronouns can be singular or plural.
SINGULAR Indefinite pronouns (agree with singular verbs) Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Neither Nobody No one Nothing One Somebody Someone Something
Singular indefinite pronouns agree with singular verbs. Each of the newcomers was welcomed to the city. Neither of these papayas is ripe. Practice: Page 152 Exercise 6 #1-10
PLURAL indefinite pronouns (agree with plural verbs) Both Few Many Several
Plural indefinite pronouns agree with plural verbs. Few of our neighbors have parakeets. Many of them keep dogs as pets. Practice: p. 155 Exercise 7 #1-10 p. 155 Review A #1-10
Indefinite pronouns that are sometimes plural and sometimes singular These pronouns are singular when they refer to a singular object of the preposition and plural when they refer to a plural object of the preposition: All of the pears are ripe. (All is considered plural because pears is plural) All of the fruit is ripe. (All is considered singular because fruit is singular) All Any More Most None some
Practice: p. 154 Exercise 7 #1-10 p.154 Review A #1-10 Exercises Practice: p. 154 Exercise 7 #1-10 p.154 Review A #1-10
Compound Subjects Subjects joined by AND usually take a plural verb. Our dog and cat get baths in the summer. Mr. Duffy and his daughter have gone fishing. A compound subject that names only one person or thing takes a singular verb. My friend and teammate, Julie, is very kind. A famous singer and dancer is going to speak at our drama club meeting. Macaroni and cheese is my favorite dish.
Practice P. 156 Exercise 8 #1-10
Compound Subjects Singular subjects joined by OR or NOR take a singular verb The chief geologist or her assistant is due to arrive tonight. (either is due, not both) Plural subjects joined by OR or NOR take a plural verb. Either mice or squirrels are living in our attic.
Compound Subjects When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by OR or NOR, the verb agrees with the subject closer to the verb. A book or flowers usually make an appropriate gift. Flowers or a book usually makes an appropriate gift.
Practice P. 157 Exercise 9 #1-10 P. 157 Review B #1-10 P. 171 Chapter Review A