Major Grade Due beginning of class on Monday, May 23 Unwind Project Major Grade Due beginning of class on Monday, May 23
10 different project options Select any 4 choices based on your strengths and expertise Do NOT choose one of the drawing activities if you are not an artist.
You need to take care of PRINTING on your own outside of class. All 4 parts of project need to be ready to turn in at the beginning of class on Monday. I will not send you to the library to print.
Some things you might be wondering about… Basic art supplies are provided in classroom – anything complicated should be brought from home You will present two of your four selections to the class the week of May 23
YOU will need to bring printed, completed projects to class on Monday. If you CHOOSE to make a document on the Chrome book, YOU are responsible for printing it. YOU will need to bring printed, completed projects to class on Monday. YOU need to make a plan for getting your printing taken care of PRIOR TO CLASS on Monday.
Letter should be 200-300 words. 1. Letter In the novel, Sonia, the owner of the antique shop, has each of the teens she helps write a letter to someone they love. Write your own letter to someone you love and, like the kids in the novel, put everything you want to say to that person, good and bad, in the letter. Letter should be 200-300 words.
Write an explanation for each donated body part (minimum of 5). 2. Your “body” will Write your “will,” but instead of your possessions, it’s your body parts that you’re giving away. Draw a full body self-portrait that you will clothe / illustrate / accessorize according to the professions of the various recipients of your body parts. Write an explanation for each donated body part (minimum of 5).
This is like a PERSUASIVE ESSAY 3. Testify before congress Prepare a testimony to Congress as they begin hearings on the status of the Bill of Life. Write your testimony from the point of view of either a teen slated to be unwound or from someone whose life was saved by receiving body parts from an unwind. Your testimony must address the opposing side’s beliefs and should be 200-300 words. This is like a PERSUASIVE ESSAY
4. Your playlist Risa’s band plays “Don’t Fear the Reaper” among other songs for the teens who are going to be unwound. Put together a set list of 5 songs (title and artist) your band would play if you were performing at a Harvest Camp. Using some of the lyrics from each song, explain each of your song choices (in 3-5 sentences).
5. News story Write a newspaper article dated one year after the end of the novel. What news event has just happened? (For example, a new election, a riot, a new terrorist attack.) Has it changed anything fundamental about the society or the Bill of Life? Has the law been repealed? Article should be 200-300 words.
6. Thematic artwork Imagine you are an artist who must produce an artistic work to capture one of the themes of Unwind. Along with the illustration, include the name of your artwork and a paragraph that explains why you created what you did.
7. Sound track Make a CD cover with an illustration that portrays an important theme from Unwind. On the back of the cover, write the names of two songs you would use as part of Unwind’s soundtrack. Inside, put the lyrics for each song and a paragraph that explains why you chose each song and for what scenes you chose them. Include at least 2 quotes in each paragraph from the lyrics to back up your selection.
8. Figurative Language Chart Consider the author’s use of figurative language. In chart form, provide at least five examples of figurative language in quotes from Unwind. Be sure to identify the type (simile, metaphor, personification, etc.) the page number, and the effect the author intends it to have on the reader.
Ad must include a visual and attention- getting text. 9. Book advertisement Pretend you are a marketing director and you have been given Unwind to advertise. Create an advertisement that you believe would cause people to want to read and, thus, buy this novel. Ad must include a visual and attention- getting text.
10. Be a fashion designer Select an important theme from Unwind. Design a T-shirt that includes an illustration and a quote from the story which conveys that theme on one side and a brief explanation on the other.
You need to take care of PRINTING on your own outside of class You need to take care of PRINTING on your own outside of class. All 4 parts of project need to be ready to turn in at the beginning of class on Monday. I will not send you to the library to print.