The Return of Sectionalism and the Rise of Andrew Jackson Unit 4, Lesson 4
Essential Idea Sectionalism returned as the country expanded and evolved and when Andrew Jackson rose to power.
Era of Good Feelings? Misnomer? Even during the “Era of Good Feelings,” signs of sectionalism arose Sectionalism- growing separation and tension between the North and South (and West)
North vs. South: Federal Power Issue #1: Federal Power North’s View: Strong federal government, weak state governments South’s View: Weak federal government, strong state governments Why Sectionalism Increased: John Marshall’s rulings strengthened federal power over states The South feared a strong federal government threatened slavery
North vs. South: Vision for Country Issue #2: Vision for Country North’s View: Economy based on manufacturing and commerce South’s View: Economy based on agrarianism—especially slavery-based cotton
North vs. South: American System Why Sectionalism Increased: Federal policies, like the American System, favored manufacturing and commerce The South and West did not trust the BUS The South hated protective tariffs and had fewer internal improvements
North vs. South: Westward Expansion Issue #3: Westward Expansion North’s View: Did not want slavery to expand westward South’s View: Wanted slavery to expand westward Why Sectionalism Increased: North and South disagreed on future of slavery in America Imbalance between free and slave states would allow one side to dominate in Congress
The Missouri Compromise (1820) Conflict: Missouri wanted to be admitted as a slave state, which would upset the balance Tension rose because this would upset the free/slave state balance in Congress Compromise: Missouri Compromise Proposed by Henry Clay, the “Great Compromiser”
The Missouri Compromise (1820) Terms: Part 1: Missouri admitted as a slave state, Maine admitted as a free state Effect: Free and slave states stayed equal in number Part 2: 36’30⁰ Line- divided the rest of the Louisiana Territory Future states above the line would be free Future states below the line would be slave Issue of slavery in the West temporarily settled, easing tension Missouri Compromise
Election of 1824 Major Candidates in 1824: Andrew Jackson- “Old Hickory,” the war hero Andrew Jackson John Quincy Adams- son of ex-president John Adams Henry Clay- “Great Compromiser,” developer of the American System
The Election Hits a Snag Initial Results: Jackson won the most electoral votes, but no one won the MAJORITY The election was decided in the House of Representatives
The “Corrupt Bargain” The “Corrupt Bargain:” In the House, Clay gave his votes to Adams, who became president Adams made Clay his secretary of state Jackson was furious and called it a “corrupt bargain”
Political Parties Return The Democratic-Republican party split The two-party system and political tension returned New Party: Democrats Supported: Andrew Jackson Location of Supporters: South and West Government Power: Weak federal, strong states
Political Parties Return New Party: Whigs Supported: Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams Location of Supporters: North Government Power: Strong federal, weak states
Universal White Male Suffrage From 1824 to 1828, many states dropped their property requirements for voting Consequences: Universal White Male Suffrage- white men, even poor (“common”), could vote This gave the “common man” more influence in elections The common man loved Andrew Jackson
Election of 1828 Candidates in 1828: Democrats- Andrew Jackson Whigs- John Quincy Adams Impact of Universal White Male Suffrage: Jackson got more votes than in 1824 because he appealed to the common man, who could now vote Candidates had to campaign for the first time to attract votes from the common man Mudslinging- candidates used negative criticism of each other to attract votes
Election of 1828 Results: Jackson won easily Sectionalism returned to politics Jackson’s election helped usher in the “Era of the Common Man”