Catapult Project & Lab Report Guidelines Catapult must not be larger than the lab table Catapult must be larger than 5 in in length Materials to use may include, but are not limited to: popsicle sticks, wood, rubber bands, hot glue, paint stir sticks, paint, etc. You may not use any catapults that have been created in other classes. PROBLEM (Part of Intro) 10 pts HYPOTHESIS (Part of Intro) (Independent & dependent variables included) MATERIALS & PROCEDURE (All steps clearly stated) 15 pts OBSERVATIONS AND DATA (Measurement units identified) 20 pts GRAPHS AND/OR ILLUSTRATION (Title, axes labeled, data points plotted) CONCLUSION (Answers the problem, explains results) NEATNESS Lab Report Due Date: May 25th by midnight Submitted via email
Monday 5/15/17 To Do List Form a team of 3 people. No more than 3 but no less than 2 people per team!! Pick up a handout from teacher. One handout per team. Read the purpose of the experiment and rewrite it in your own words on the handout. Begin your research on catapults. Make sure to answer the questions listed on your “research” section of the handout.
Tuesday 5/16/17 To Do List Finish any research you did not complete on Monday Create a hypothesis that provides a answer to your question/purpose of the experiment. Write your hypothesis on the “Hypothesis” section of your handout. Pick a design for your catapult and sketch out a image of it. Be sure to include dimensions of each section of your catapult design. Sketch your image on the “design plan” section of your handout. Form a list of materials and how much you will need of each material. Write this information on the “materials” section of your handout. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE PURCHASED AND BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY THURSDAY 5/18/17.
Wednesday 5/17/17 To Do List Create your test procedures for your catapult. Write this on the “test procedure” section of your handout. First half of your paper is due TODAY. It should include a rough draft of the Introduction/purpose, hypothesis, design plan, materials, and test procedures. Paper must be typed and emailed to me TODAY! Any submissions that I do not receive today are considered late and will receive a ZERO until it is emailed to me. Lab Report Template Materials DUE TOMORROW
Begin building your catapult if you have your materials. Thursday 5/18/17 To Do List Make sure to email me your rough draft if you have not done so. (10 pts off) Begin building your catapult if you have your materials.
Begin building your catapult if you have your materials. Friday 5/19/17 To Do List Make sure to email me your rough draft if you have not done so. (20 pts off) Begin building your catapult if you have your materials.