Year 6 Curriculum Web Summer 2013 Term 6 Literacy Science The biology of plants Natural selection and speciation Reporting, observing and classifying Literacy To include:- Narrative writing Poetry Play scripts P.E. and games Athletics Trounders R.E. learning to challenge stereotyping through understanding Muslim interpretations of Jihad and how this links to getting to Heaven. Mathematics Investigating other number systems Calculations Tangrams Mathematical investigations Summer 2013 Term 6 Topic Things are not always what they seem (inspired by our choice for the end of year show, Olivia!) Book Study - ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio Art – digital photography; a study of the works of Escher; optical illusions PSHE Ready Steady Go! The transition to secondary school focusing on thoughts and feelings Reflecting on our achievements STOP PRESS! Watch out for our OUTSTANDING performance of ‘Olivia’! Incorporating singing, acting, dancing, music, stage design, front of house, ticket and programme design – you name it, Year 6 can do it!