Spiritual Autobiography Dr Teresa Grant January 2017
Show me, dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear. John Donne HOLY SONNETS. XVIII. Show me, dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear. What! is it she which on the other shore Goes richly painted? or which, robbed and tore, Laments and mourns in Germany and here? Sleeps she a thousand, then peeps up one year? Is she self-truth, and errs? now new, now outwore? Doth she, and did she, and shall she evermore On one, on seven, or on no hill appear? Dwells she with us, or like adventuring knights First travel we to seek, and then make love? Betray, kind husband, thy spouse to our sights, And let mine amorous soul court thy mild dove, Who is most true and pleasing to thee then When she is embraced and open to most men. Source: Donne, John. "Holy Sonnet 18." The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 6th ed., v.1. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1993. 1117-1118.
Arminianism Departs from strict Calvinism in that: The decree of salvation applies to all who believe in Christ and who persevere in obedience and faith Christ died for all mankind The Holy Spirit must help humans to do things which are truly good (such as having faith in Christ for salvation) God’s saving grace is not irresistible It is possible for those who are Christians to fall from grace
Calvinism http://www.4himnet.com/bnyberg/tulip.html
Lawrence Clarkson’s Spiritual Journey Church of England Presbyterian Independent Antinomian Baptist Seeker Wilderness/Muggletonian
Seven Churches in Revelation https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+2&version=GNV