Status of the AGATA installation at GANIL


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Presentation transcript:

Status of the AGATA installation at GANIL

2010  2011 LNL : 5TC 2012  2014 GSI/FRS : 6TC+3 DC 2014  2018 GANIL/SPIRAL2 : 15TC AGATA D.+PRISMA AGATA @ FRS AGATA @G1 ( p) Total Eff Nominal. ~2.6% Total Eff. (b=0.5) ~ 10% Total Eff ~ 8% to 14%

3rd of last June : our D-Day in Normandy

Mechanical installation Collaboration: IPHC, STFC, CSNSM, GANIL Touchdown 26th of June

Mechanical installation Collaboration: IPHC, STFC, CSNSM, GANIL

Mechanical installation Collaboration: IPHC, STFC, CSNSM, GANIL Installation completed Alignment done Grounding tests done Target area tested under vacuum

Infrastructure Collaboration : Irfu, GSI, GANIL Full test completed with an EXOGAM clover 1st week of September AGATA TC connected to the system

Front End Electronic and Data Acquisition 2nd of June 18th of June : Collaboration : CSNSM, STFC, LNL, IPNL, IPNO, IPHC, GANIL 2nd of June 18th of June : 

Front End Electronic and Data Acquisition 24 modified Core modules Collaboration : CSNSM, STFC, LNL, IPNL, IPHC, GANIL 24 modified Core modules 19 Segment modules 20 complete carrier pairs in VHDL0 2 GTS root (AGATA-EXOGAM2) 1 GTP (1 spear in prep at LNL) 1 VME FIFO spear 330 Fibers

On-line analysis installed by IPNL AGATA GTP AGATA GTS-Root GEC® MFM2ADF Actor GANIL Narval Topology GANIL VME AGATA World GANIL World GECCO® GCC GANIL RCC On-line analysis installed by IPNL

Front End Electronic and Data Acquisition EXOGAM core Collaboration : CSNSM, STFC, LNL, IPNL, GANIL EXOGAM core

Detectors 26th of September ATC1, ATC4 and ATC5 are collecting data Collaboration: IKP, Uni. Liverpool, Irfu, GSI, GANIL 26th of September ATC1, ATC4 and ATC5 are collecting data ATC3 at the lab with a faulty core

Planning Mechanical installation completed end of June Installation FEE-DAQ end completed end of July AF, DSS, cabling completed end of August cooling of detectors and installation Source Tests October—November  AGATA ready for in-beam commissioning 2012-2014 budget : 349,1 k€ from GANIL + 41 k€ from IN2P3: Total = 390 k€.

In-beam test 13th-15th November 40Ar@4.25 MeV/A 2.8 pnA on 122Sn Preliminary tracked spectrum (double gated 158Er) , Doppler corrected obtained at nominal distance; all statistics 38+ C. Michelagnoli, J. Dudouet, T. Lauritsen, A. Korichi, M..Ciemala, G. De France, E. C. X. Lafay, P. Coleman-Smith, D. Bazzacco Energy [keV]

In-beam test VAMOS-AGATA 238U beam for the commissioning of the AGATA-VAMOS coupling. 27 November : 17 UT 8 December : 19 UT

The first campaign is AGATA + VAMOS (vacuum) in 2015-2016 11-12th of February at GANIL : AGATA Collaboration Meeting to discuss the proposals based on the LoI, eventual new proposals, check the feasibility and eventual overlaps. (~Pre-PAC) 30 Proposals discussed. ~700 UT proposed 25 Proposals using this setup submitted to the last GANIL PAC meeting (3-4th of April 2014). 10 experiments accepted (325 UT) to be scheduled in 2015-2016 Beam starts next March for 4 months of data taking

Physics cases for the 1st AGATA run at GANIL : nuclear structure in the vicinity of doubly magic nuclei 238U,208Pb  n-rich G. Georgiev et al; 2+ lifetimes and g factor 204,206,208Hg C. Domingo-Pardo et al ; 4+, 2+ lifetime in 94Ru and 96Pd 208Pb J. J. Valiente Dobon et al 4+, 2+ lifetime in 106,108Sn P. R. John et al ; Shape transition in W isotopes: 190W and 192W spectroscopy and fast timing 100Sn A. Navin et al ; i13/2 single particle state in 133Sn and high spin in 108Zr 132Sn D. Verney et al; lifetime measurement in 83Ge 68Ni 78Ni G. Duchêne et al; 80Zn and 82Ge highest spin structures J. Ljungvall et al ; 2+, 4+ 6+ lifetime and g-factor in 62,64,66Fe; 48Ca A. Lemasson et al : spectroscopy of 39,41,43S S. Leoni et al ; Lifetime in n-rich C and O isotopes: test of the three body forces

2009-2011 2012-2014 2014--2018