How We Promoted Safe Driving and Utilized the Media To Do It Rachel Brosman and Olivia Checkalski
Wrecked Vehicle Display
Pledge Drive
Safe Driving Night
Kids’ Safe Driving Day
The Media
Preparatory Media Activities See handout Media Advisory: What are the main points of the event? Where should the media go to cover the story? News Release: What is everything the public needs to know? (Much more detailed) Prepare Talking Points Create News Release Develop Media Advisory Meet with Media Specialist
News Media Written articles Television spotlights Radio interviews
Social Media Twitter & Instagram- Used existing follower base on Appleton North DECA accounts Facebook page In-School Promotion: Emails Announcements
Moving Forward Passing off to younger students to continue the campaign Possibly focus on more safe driving topics than just texting and driving State Farm “Celebrate My Drive” contest Continue working with Tom’s Drive In