Comparison Solution in Cloud for Windows 10 Shows Changes Between Documents Instantly “We are delighted to have worked closely with Microsoft to extend document comparison beyond the desktop as we continue to be an industry leader in developing products that allow people to work from anywhere on any Windows 10 computer or device.” – Dean Sappey, president, DocsCorp SITUATION Comparing legal documents is a critical process, one that requires a purpose-built service that can immediately analyze documents for changes. Failure to see important contract changes could be disastrous. The concept of “the office” is also changing as lawyers become more mobile. Today they require solutions that work when they are on the go, and on any device. WINDOWS ISV: DocsCorp WEB SITE: LOCATION: Sydney, Australia ORG SIZE: 75 employees WINDOWS ISV PROFILE: DocsCorp is a leading provider of productivity software for document management professionals. It develops integrated, easy-to-use software and services that extend document processing, review, manipulation and publishing workflows. compareDocs cloud enables users to compare two versions of a document for changes on any Windows 10 computer or device. SOLUTION compareDocs cloud running on the Microsoft Azure cloud makes Word to Word, PDF to PDF as well as Word to PDF comparisons possible for any Windows 10-compatible device: phone, laptop, desktop and Surface. It clearly marks up what has changed between versions. This will include insertions and deletions in the content, headers/footers, footnotes, list numbers and tables. compareDocs cloud on Windows 10 makes the technology affordable to anyone who needs to compare documents quickly, accurately and reliably. BENEFITS Developing compareDocs cloud as a Windows 10 application makes document comparison accessible to a wider audience of Word users. compareDocs allows customers the ability to compare documents on the go and on any Windows 10-compatible device.