The BRGF Spread
Backward Regions Grant Fund: funding design 4670 cr. 250 cr Capacity building 4420 cr untied funds GOI + + formula 10 cr per dist 50% on Pop 50% on Area State formula Inter-se shares between PRI tiers and ULB Shares between Panchayats within the allocation for the Tier concerned Incen- tives
BRGF STRUCTURAL DESIGN Theory : Grassroot level Planning Planning &Implementation : By Panchayats & Municipalities Plan Preparation: Panchayats& Municipalities Consolidation of Plans :DPCs Approval: State HPC Monitoring Formal Audit, Social Audit, Peer Reviews Planning Guidelines: Planning Commission Guidelines of 25.8.2006.
Backward Regions Grant Fund: Key features in design Poverty and backwardness agenda Converge substantial existing development inflows into selected districts into a well-coordinated integrated development. Funds to be used for gap filling, capacity building and enlisting professional support for planning. Clear focus on poverty reduction, which is to be closely tracked. Possibility of Convergence- Sharing of Base line surveys, Data on health infrastructure, sharing of block level,district level NRHM goals with Panchayats and DPCs.
BRGF PLANS No. of States to whom Development Grant has been released: 16 (2007-08 & 08-09) Districts: 186 Infrastructure funded : Drinking Water & Sanitation, Anganwadis, Kitchen sheds, additional class rooms, PHCs, sub-health centres, Ayurvedic Dispensary, ANM Centres & ANM Quarters
State Wise Details (2007-08) Sl. No Name of the States Illustrative list (Districts with major investment in health) Percentage of District’s allocation on Health and Sanitation* Health & Sanitation Infrastructure funded under BRGF 1 Andhra Pradesh- Total Allocation Adilabad- 2654 lakh Anantpur- 3147 lakh Nizamabad- 2070 lakh Vizianagaram- 1890 lakh Adilabad- 29.39% Anantpur- 20.34% Nizamabad- 40.48% Vizianagaram- 17.76% Construction of Sub Health Centres, PHCs,Diarrhea sheds Electricity facility to sub health centres, provision of toilets 2 Chhattisgarh- Total Allocation- Bilaspur- 2087 lakh Dhamtari- 1436 lakh Korba- 1674 lakh Koriya- 1577 lakh Raigarh- 1760 lakh Sarguja- 2505 akh Bilaspur- 21.17% Dhamtari 11.45% Korba- 27.29% Koriya 12.29% Raigarh 12.52% Sarguja- 12.77% Construction of Sub Health Centres, PHCs, Electricity facility to sub health centres.
Percentage of District’s allocation on Health and Sanitation* Sl. No Name of the States Illustrative list (Districts with major investment in health) Percentage of District’s allocation on Health and Sanitation* Health & Sanitation Infrastructure funded under BRGF 3 Madhya Pradesh- Total Allocation- Sheopur- 1577 lakh Chhatarpur- 1918 lakh Sidhi- 2122 lakh Sheopur- 15.40% Chhatarpur- 10.16% Sidhi- 12.95% Construction of Sub Health Centres, PHCs, Ayurvedic dispensary 4 Rajasthan- Total Allcoation- Jhalawar- 1685 lakh Barmer- 3359 lakh Udaipur- 2452 lakh Banswara- 1678 lakh Jaisalmer 3711 lakh Chhittorgarh- 2134 lakh Jhalawar- 8.87% Barmer- 16.87% Udaipur- 6.15% Banswara- 7.95% Jaisalmer - 6.68% Chhittorgarh- 5.03% Construction of ANM Centers and Quarters and Sub Health Centers.
Convergence At the Field Level Breaking up of NRHM Plans Panchayat wise-NIC PR & NIC Health can do it. Plan should reach every GP &every Village Health & Sanitation Committee Village Health Sub-Committee should be a sub-Committee of the Gram Panchayat. Mere Presence of Sarpanch not enough. Measures agreed and recommendations included in the Report of the Committee to review modifications in CSS Guidelines relevant.
Advantages of involving Panchayats Involving the Panchayats helps in monitoring delivery of services at the grass roots level. Will reduce absenteeism of health workers. Coverage of the target group under immunization and other health programmers Identification of epidemics at an early stage. Utilization of funds. Distribution of publicity material to be made mandatory.
Present Status Preparation of Plans 2008-09 underway with the help of TSIs. Plan Plus software could be adopted. Convergence would pool and focus resources better. Moh&fw could consider writing to States/District Health Missions, line departments to share the data & plans with the Panchayats.