Word Dissection Lesson #11
Make a flashcard for each word part. On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __
Cosm Cosmo = Universe (World) Cosmic = Having to Examples: Cosmic = Having to do with the universe or world Cosmometry = Measuring the universe Cosmologist = Specialist about the universe Cosm Cosmo = Universe (World)
maniac= Pyromaniac = Crazy/insane about fire Musicomaniac = Examples: Pyromaniac = Crazy/insane about fire Musicomaniac = Crazy/insane about music Theomaniac = Crazy/insane about God maniac= Insane person (Crazy about something or someone) Hydromaniac = Crazy/insane about water
Un__= Unseen = Unaware = Not aware Unfair = Not fair Examples: Unaware = Not aware Unfair = Not fair Unclean = Not clean Un__= Not Unseen = Not seen
Demon Demono= Demon Demonologist = Cacodemon = Bad demon Examples: Demonologist = Specialist about demons Cacodemon = Bad demon Demonic = Having to do with demon Demon Demono= Demon (Devil or Evil Spirit) Demonocracy = governed by demon(s)
Therm thermo= Thermic = having to do with heat Geothermal = having to Examples: Geothermal = having to do with the heat of the earth Thermometer = measuring heat Thermodynamics = having to do with the power of heat Therm thermo= Heat Thermic = having to do with heat
Resistance = resisting Examples: Resistance = resisting Reliance = relying Difference = differing __ance __ence __ency = ___ing (condition of being)