Name of teacher : Miss Jamdhade Anjali Annasaheb NEW ENGLISH SCHOOL, CHITALI Name of teacher : Miss Jamdhade Anjali Annasaheb
Sub- Geography Topic –Agriculture Resource
Characteristics Of Agriculture 1.Employment generating sector. 2.Rainfall-based agriculture. 3.Crop diversity. 4.Traditional & modern agriculture. 5.Size Of farms. 6.Relations With industrial sector 7.Significance of agricultural products in exports.
Types of Farming India has variations in physical, economical & social factors. This has resulted in various types of agriculture in different parts of the nation. Let us study some types of farming.
A. Shifting Cultivation : Shifting cultivation is very primitive type of farming . It is practiced by some communities from the remote mountainous & forest regions. The States of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram, Madhy Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh & Kerala.
Features: When fertility of land decreases, people move in search of new piece of land. This is the main feature. After the piece of land selected, the land is cleared & vegetation thereupon is brunt. Due to this, potash content in the soil increases but the organic materials are lost.
2. Dry Farming : Features: “Farming which is entirely dependent on rainfall is called dry farming” . Rain water percolates in the land, such moist land is used for crop cultivation. This is a type of traditional farming. Features: 1. Rain water percolates in the soil. It is used for growing kharif and rabi crops. 2. Food crops are mostly grown in this type of farming. Jawar, bajra, corn, moong, groundnuts etc. are grown in kharif season. In the rabio season crops like wheat, gram, soyabean, sunflower, linseed etc. are grown.
B) Sedentary Subsistence Farming: “In sedentary farming famers settle at one place permanently and cultivate the land.” This method of farming is primitive. Land is ploughed, spades, hoes etc. fertilizers are not used . Hence, crop production is just enough to satisfy the needs of a farmer. The main crops cultivated are jowar, bajra, maiza, sesame, pulses, cotton and vegetables. The crop yield per hectare is very low
Intensive Farming: “Intensive farming is practised in the area of dense population and where cultivable land is limited. Efforts are made to get high production of seeds with the help of intensive labour, high yielding varieties of crops, fertilizers, insecticids and irrigation”.
Features: In India, farms are fragmented into small parts which are divided among a number of inheritors. Besides, the farms are bonded which reduce the farm size. In this type of farming, animals are used for various farming operations. Besides, milk, meat, eggs are obtained as supplementary products from them.
Plantation Farming : Plantation crop products have an important place in Indian economy. Major crops like tea, coffee, rubber, spices and coconut are cultivated.
Features : The farms of plantation farming are called ‘plantations’ or ‘estates’. The size of the plantation forms in India is about 40 hectares. In west Bengal, some estates are about 200 hectares in size. Plantation agriculture requires a large amount of capital.
Sustainable Agriculture: ‘Sustainable agriculture’ is a modern concept. An agriculture activity which is practiced with production and conservation of resources is called sustainable agriculture.
Main objective of sustainable agriculture are as follows: Maintain environmental balance. Achieve socio-economic equality. Get economic benefits.
Students Homework Find out the details information about plantation farming? Collect the more information from internet.
References Website: www.agriculture.co.in www.cultivationfarming.com Reference Book: Agriculture Geography
Thank You Anjali Jamdhade