OB/GYN 3rd Year Clerkship November 25, 2008
Clerkship Format 6-week clerkship Course Description Settings Introductory experience in the provision of comprehensive medical care and counseling services to adult and adolescent female patients. (obstetrics and gynecology) Settings * University hospital * Inpatient * Community hospital * Outpatient * Physician offices * Public health clinics
Clerkship Sites Washington Residents # Students Group Health Central Yes 2 Group Health East No 1 Madigan 3 Renton Richland * Spokane Swedish Tacoma UWMC/HMC 4 Walla Walla * Yakima
Clerkship Sites Wyoming Residents # Students Cheyenne No 1 Rock Springs 2 Montana Billings (Billings Clinic) Billings (All Women’s Care) Bozeman Havre Missoula
Clerkship Sites Idaho Residents # Students Boise No 1 Caldwell 2 Sandpoint Alaska Anchorage 4 Fairbanks
Clerkship Activities Office OR L&D Inpatient Interview and examine patients (pelvics, pap smears) Observe or assist with office procedures (colposcopy, endometrial biopsy, D&C) OR Participate in GYN surgeries and cesarean sections L&D Evaluate patients in triage Observe, assist, or perform vaginal deliveries Inpatient Round on patients and participate in their hospitalization
Clerkship Activities Lectures Grand Rounds Conferences Meeting with preceptors Review write-ups Discuss patients and conditions Oral presentations
Schedules Hours determined by site Call varies Communication < 80 hours/week Call varies Once weekly Night float (UWMC, HMC) Follow call of preceptor Communication Pager required
Grades Final Grade Grade Distribution Clinical Evaluation Write-ups Oral Presentation Clinical Performance Written exam (NBME) Grade Distribution 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 Honors 32% 32% 32% 23% 23% Hi Pass 24% 24% 24% 31% 30% Pass 43% 42% 43% 43% 44% Fail 1% 2% 1% 3% 3%
Clerkship Survival Guide Be enthusiastic Be present Be professional Read, Read, Read!!! Learn from patients Learn from other team members http://depts.washington.edu/obgyn/clerkship/index.shtml
Contacts Vicki Mendiratta, MD – Clerkship Director vmendira@u.washington.edu Jamie Vickerman – Administrative Assistant centej@u.washington.edu 206-543-3891