Ofwat Customer Experience Survey Q4 2016/17 Weighted and unweighted scores Final results 30/03/2016
Quarter 4 weighted scores Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Overall 4.41 4.48 4.32 4.43 Affinity 4.36 13 4.57 6 4.15 17 Anglian 9 4.44 12 4.38 5 Bournemouth 8 4.54 4.33 Bristol 4.49 7 4.61 4 Dee Valley 1 4.78 4.35 11 Northumbrian 4.52 10 3 4.64 2 Portsmouth 4.56 4.70 4.42 Severn Trent 4.58 4.21 14 4.28 South East 4.55 South Staffs 4.26 16 4.31 4.20 15 South West 4.40 Southern 4.29 4.25 Sutton & East Surrey 4.17 18 4.16 4.18 Thames 3.61 4.34 United Utilities 4.68 Welsh 4.19 4.67 Wessex 4.63 4.53 Yorkshire 4.27
Quarter 4 weighted WaSC and WOC scores WaSCS Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Anglian 4.41 4 4.44 6 4.36 7 4.38 5 Northumbrian 4.54 3 4.52 4.48 2 4.64 Severn Trent 4.58 4.21 9 4.28 8 South West 4.33 4.31 4.40 Southern 4.29 4.25 Thames 4.18 10 3.61 4.34 United Utilities 4.56 4.57 4.68 1 Welsh 4.19 4.67 Wessex 4.63 4.53 Yorkshire 4.42 4.27 WOCS Affinity 4.15 Bournemouth Bristol 4.49 4.61 Dee Valley 4.78 4.35 Portsmouth 4.70 South East 4.55 South Staffs 4.26 4.20 Sutton & East Surrey 4.17 4.16
Quarter 4 unweighted scores Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Overall 4.42 4.50 4.32 4.43 Affinity 4.36 12 4.57 6 4.15 17 Anglian 4.39 10 4.44 9 4.38 5 Bournemouth 4.54 4.33 Bristol 4.52 7 4.61 4 Dee Valley 1 4.78 4.35 11 Northumbrian 4.55 4.48 3 4.64 2 Portsmouth 4.56 4.70 Severn Trent 4.58 4.21 14 4.28 8 South East South Staffs 4.26 16 4.31 4.20 15 South West 4.40 Southern 4.29 4.25 13 Sutton & East Surrey 4.17 4.16 18 4.18 Thames 4.11 3.61 4.34 United Utilities 4.41 4.68 Welsh 4.19 4.67 Wessex 4.63 4.53 Yorkshire 4.27
Quarter 4 unweighted WaSC and WOC scores WaSCS Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Anglian 4.39 5 4.44 6 4.36 7 4.38 Northumbrian 4.55 2 4.52 4 4.48 4.64 Severn Trent 4.58 4.21 9 4.28 8 South West 4.33 4.31 4.40 Southern 4.29 4.25 Thames 4.11 10 3.61 4.34 United Utilities 4.57 3 4.41 4.68 1 Welsh 4.19 4.67 Wessex 4.63 4.53 Yorkshire 4.42 4.27 WOCS Affinity 4.15 Bournemouth 4.54 Bristol 4.61 Dee Valley 4.78 4.35 Portsmouth 4.56 4.70 South East South Staffs 4.26 4.20 Sutton & East Surrey 4.17 4.16 4.18