Sandy Hook-What Happened?
Sandy Hook Elementary School Newtown, Connecticut-25,000 people; household income $100,000+ 20-year old Adam Lanza -Asperger's, OCD -stopped taking medication; possible schizophrenia (according to his father) -112 lbs, 6 ft tall -anorexic to the point of malnutrition and possible brain damage -wrote a story in 5th grade about a boy killing children and his mother -obsessed with mass murders and massacres (“The source stated that the investigation had found that Lanza had created a 7-by-4-foot sized spreadsheet listing around 500 mass murderers and the weapons they used, which was considered to have taken years of work and to have been used by Lanza as a ‘score sheet’”) ***90,000 people in Fishers (2016)
Sandy Hook Elementary School December 14, 2012, 9:35 am Lanza drove to Sandy Hook, entered through a glass window, shot 20 children and 6 adults -shot mother in the head 4x before leaving his house -no real indication as to WHY, besides his obsession with shootings Lanza entered the school with 3 weapons -.223 caliber Bushman rifle (weighs 8 lbs, holds up to 30 rounds) -10mm Glock -9mm Saur handgun (mother was gun enthusiast, he was old enough to carry a rifle but not a handgun)
Sandy Hook Elementary School Entire incident took less than 5 minutes -154 rounds fired from the rifle Shot himself in the head All victims pronounced dead within 11 minutes of the start of the shooting School was demolished; rebuilt and finished in 2016, cost $50 million Lanza’s home was acquired by the city at no cost from Ryan Lanza (Adam’s brother)
What are some questions we could or should ask based on the facts given? -discuss with a neighbor -discuss as a class
What’s Off-Sandy Hoax? Lanza-no known reason as to why he committed these crimes Lanza-could he have physically cared the weapons and carried out the shooting? Very few images from photographers
The evacuation-why were children moved while walking The evacuation-why were children moved while walking? Why is this one of the few evacuation photos we can find of children? Why are the deaths not part of the FBI crime statistics? Eyewitness account of events: Many seem off-understating the events (gun shots sounded like knocking on the door, etc) FBI crime statistics:
“Witnesses” also might have appeared at other catastrophes?
Very little emotion from witnesses and parents (Robbie Parker) (Grace McDonnell’s parents) Very little emotion from witnesses and parents
Suspicious-looking events at firehouse =sharing Wolfgang Halbig on Sandy Hook sp=sharing sp=sharing Bookcase moved, glass didn’t fall after 16 troopers “crawled” through the hole
Cars parked in a strange manner.
What’s off-Sandy Hoax? The school was demolished! WHY? -Was school closed already? -Was the school filthy? (Pictures of the interior show dirt, mold, etc.) -Were they hiding evidence? Access to public information was restricted -state legislation passed a bill that would restrict access made available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act -WHY? to "prevent the release of crime-scene photos and video evidence from the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre and other Connecticut homicides, concerned such records would be spread on the Internet"
Additional Websites w?usp=sharing “Bloopers” sandy-hooks-3rd-anniversary.html 33 unanswered questions questions-sandy-hook-shooting/ 16 unanswered questions from Wolfgang Halbig
Outcomes Was there an agenda behind Sandy Hook? -led to heavy debates on stricter gun control laws -make background-check system universal -call for state/federal legislation to ban the sale of semi-automatic guns and mags that held over 10 bullets -gun control seemed to be a hot topic of debate during Obama’s administration