IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 patch management IBM Software Group | Tivoli Brand Software IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 patch management IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance v52 ESP Workshop Workshop Guide
Topics Feature Objective (Problems Solved) Feature Overview Common Use Cases
TPM 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 patch Objective Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 adopts YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) as package management solution and deprecated the previous up2date used in version 3 and 4. This feature is to support the new YUM Linux patching technology for redhat 5 patch management It will leverage our TPM SDI infrastructure which will provide a better scaled/performed solution.
Topics Feature Objective (Problems Solved) Feature Overview Common Use Cases
TPM 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 patch Overview Patch Management Process
IBM Software Group | Tivoli Brand Software TPM 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 Patch Overview Architecture diagram IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance v52 ESP Workshop Workshop Guide
Topics Feature Objective (Problems Solved) Feature Overview Common Use Cases
TPM 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 Common Use Cases Configure YUM repository (prerequisite, user have to prepare their own YUM repository) Preparation – network discovery, SDI preparation Patch Acquisition to discover available patches and importing the patch metadata from the YUM Repository Configure Patch compliance Scan and check for missing patches Approve recommendation and install patches Verify missing patches by running compliance check
Preparation -- network discovery, SDI preparation Go To -> Discovery -> Provisioning Discovery -> Discovery Configurations -- Search for initial discovery -- Enter the needed info., at a minimum, enter IP & credential, Save & Run. -- Install depot & agent (SDI preparation)
Create YUM file repository within TPM 7.1.1 Go To -> IT infrastructure -> Provisioning Inventory -> File Repositories -- Press enter to list out all file repository, click the File Repository tab and click new to create a new one for RedHat5 patch. Enter all necessary parameters.
Red Hat 5 patch acquisition Go To -> IT infrastructure -> Software Catalog -> Patch Acquisition -- Pick Linux as the OS and enter all the needed parameters.
Compliance scan & check with computer(s) group Go To -> IT infrastructure -> Provisioning Inventory -> Provisioning Groups -- Create a group with 1 or more computers -- Click compliance, configure New Compliance check by selecting “Patch Check”. Choose Run or Schedule Scan & check to perform scan and check on your redhat5 endpoint to produce the list of recommendations.
Approve the Compliance Recommendation Go To -> IT infrastructure -> Provisioning Inventory -> Provisioning Groups -- Click Recommendations, select the recommendations, click approve, after what you wanted to be installed are in “Approved” state, select any/all approved patches that you wish to installed and click Schedule & submit to proceed with install.
Verify missing patch Go To -> IT infrastructure -> Provisioning Inventory -> Provisioning Groups -- Click Recommendations, the installed patch will be shown as “Implemented” after install is completed -- Click compliance tab and run check again to update DCM, the installed patch will disappeared from the recommendation page.
TPM 7.1.1 Red Hat 5 Patch Overview Internal component view