PLANT ID Week 2 Hort I
Euonymous japonica Evergreen Euonymous Celastraceae Shrub Japan
Arrangement: Opposite Type: Simple Margin: Serrate Vein: Pinnate Length: 1-3” Width: 1”
Life Cycle: Evergreen Height: 6-7’ Width: 3-5’ Upright Sun-Shade Growth: Rapid Zones: 5-10
Color: Green-Orange Season: Spring June Color: Pink Season: Fall Flower Color: Green-Orange Season: Spring June Fruit Color: Pink Season: Fall
DESCRIPTION Many named cultivars available with varying colors of foliage
PROBLEMS Euonymus scale insect is a real problem
Ilex x attenuata ‘Fosteri’ Fosteri Holly Aquifoliaceae Hybrid: I.cassine X I.opaca Shrub
Arrangement: Alternate Type: Simple Margin: Serrated Vein: Pinnate Length: 2” Width: ¾”
Life Cycle: Evergreen Height: 25’ Width: 6-8’ Sun-Part Shade Growth: Medium Zones: 6-9
Season: Spring Color: White Red Berry Season: Fall Flower: Inconspicuous Season: Spring Color: White Fruit Red Berry Season: Fall
Easily propagated by cuttings Cultural Practices Easily propagated by cuttings
Ilex cornuta ‘Dwarf Burford’ Dwarf Burford Holly Aquifoliaceae China Shrub
Arrangement: Alternate Type: Simple Margin: Entire Vein: Pinnate Length:1 ¾-3” Width:1-1 ½”
Life Cycle: Evergreen Height: 5-8’ Width: 4-5’ Upright Sun-Part Shade Growth: Medium Zones: 6-9
Color: White Season: Spring Color: Red Season: Fall Dimensions: ¼-3/8” Flower Color: White Season: Spring Fruit Color: Red Season: Fall Dimensions: ¼-3/8”
DESCRIPTION Leaf is entire, but has one terminal spine, leaf margins tend to be parallel
CULTURAL PRACTICES Dioecious plant Propagate by stem cuttings
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ Dwarf Yaupon Aquifoliaceae Japan Shrub
Arrangement: Alternate Type: Simple Margin: Crenate Vein: Pinnate Length: ¾” Width: ¼-3/8”
Life Cycle: Evergreen Height: 1-2’ Width: 3’ Spreading Part Shade Growth: Slow-Medium Zones: 7-9
DESCRIPTION Good plant to use in coastal areas Stems are silver
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Helleri Holly Aquifoliaceae Japan Shrub
Arrangement: Alternate Type: Simple Margin: Serrated (toward apex) Vein: Pinnate Length: ½” Width: ¼-3/8”
Life Cycle: Evergreen Height: 2-3’ Width: 3-4’ Spreading Sun-Shade Growth: Slow Zones: 6-8
Flower: Inconspicuous Season: Spring Fruit: Inconspicuous
DESCRIPTION Leaf is oblong, but broadest 2/3 way to tip Wedge shaped at the base
CULTURAL PRACTICES Needs very little pruning
PROBLEMS Spiders mites
Evergreen Hollies I. attenuata 'Fosteri' Foster's Hybrid Holly I. attenuata 'Fosteri' Foster's Hybrid Holly I. cornuta 'Burfordi' Burford Chinese Holly I. cornuta 'Rotunda' Japanese Maple I. vomitoria Yaupon Holly I. crenata 'Helleri' Heller's Japanese Holly