Kentucky State University LSAMP Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Program Dr. Kazi Javed
The Current Situation African Americans: over 12.6% of the US population Diversity not reflected in post secondary level, especially STEM Doctoral degrees: 4.5% in STEM Bachelor’s: 7.6% in STEM Other minority groups, similar
NAS, NRC 1975 Recommendations No Single Formula or Model Some Essential Elements are: Commitment to the program by faculty and administrators Development of a comprehensive plan Assessment of target population in the community and the region
Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Based on the Treisman Model Pioneering work by Uri Treisman at UCLA. The Treisman Model was effective in using collaborative learning and small-group teaching methods with faculty sponsorship for African-American and Latino students. “Studying students studying calculus: A look at the lives of minority mathematics students in college”, College Mathematics Journal 23(5), 362-372, 1992 KSU: best practices within a “Treisman-like PLTL model” to address our specific programmatic needs
Why PLTL at KSU? KSU overall and STEM graduation rate very low PLTL is an effective and interactive approach to teaching mathematics and science Several STEM faculty willing to work with the program and peer leaders Need to raise STEM graduation rate by 10-15% each year of the grant
KSU PLTL Program Peer leaders selected and trained by program faculty Peer leaders: interpersonal skills and their mastery of the subject matter Peer-Led Team Learning: A Guidebook by Gosser, et al. Prentice Hall, 2000 Worksheets: designed to be challenging, closely tied to the course, and assist students in deepening their understanding of the course content
KSU PLTL Program Cont. Must attend the PLTL workshops twice a week: Tues and Thurs 11-12 noon. Additional workshops for students in need of more tutoring in their STEM area(s) of difficulty. Any unexcused absence = no stipend! Semester total about 30 hours of PLTL workshop
KSU PLTL Program Cont. Must pass ALL STEM courses with a grade of C or better while receiving the stipend. Overall GPA of 2.70 or better. Participants will lose their stipend the following semester for a grade below C in a STEM course. Participants can reapply for the stipend once the grade below C is rectified. 2014-2016 KSU PLTL success rate over 90%
Building Effective Minority Programs in Engineering Education: A Report National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Minorities in Engineering. Assembly of Engineering - 1975 - Engineering A Report National Research Council (U.S.). ... Assembly of Engineering ... D. C. September 1975 NAS-NAE SEP 15 1975 LieRARY NOTICE The project that is ...