What is Selling?
What is Selling? Helping Customers make satisfying buying decisions - The kind they will be happy with after the sale.
Why is customer satisfaction so important? Companies want repeat business. Companies will get repeat business if they are happy enough with their purchases to return.
Goals of Selling To help customers decide on purchases. To ensure customer satisfaction so the firm can count on repeat business.
Feature - Benefit Selling The concept that a salesperson needs to match the features of each product to a customer’s needs and wants.
Features Vs. Benefits Benefits Features Advantages or personal satisfaction a customer will get from a good or service; features that have been made into customer benefits are selling points. Features A physical characteristic or quality of a good or service; what is it’s intended use?
Product Information Knowing about the price, composition, care, and manufacturing process allows a salesperson to explain why one product is better than another.
Where can you find information about a product? Direct experience - Use the product! Printed Material - User manual, manufacturer warranties, catalogs, labels, boxes, promotional material.
Where can you find information about a product? Other people - Friends, relatives, and customers who have experience with the product. Formal Training - Attending classes and observing experienced sales representatives before going out on their own.
Customer Buying Decisions Salespeople must study what motivates customers to buy and what decisions customers make before finally purchasing a product.
Customer Buying Decisions Rationale Motives product dependability time or monetary savings convenience comfort recreational value Emotional Motives social approval recognition power love affection prestige
Customer Buying Decisions Extensive Decision Making Used when little or no previous experience with the item because it is infrequently purchased.
Customer Buying Decisions Limited Decision Making Used when a person buys goods and services he or she has purchased before but not on a regular basis.
Customer Buying Decisions Routine Decision Making Used when a person needs little information about a product because of a high degree of prior experience or low perceived risk.
How can selling skills be helpful to you? As a consumer? You as a product? In a position other than sales in business?
Types of Sales Positions Retail sales personnel - Sales clerks and sales associates. Professional sales - Require extensive training and product knowledge. Telemarketers - Sell products over the telephone.
Characteristics of Effective Salespeople Good Communication Skills Good Interpersonal Skills Solid Technical Skills Positive Attitude and Self-Confidence
Characteristics of Effective Salespeople Goal Oriented Empathy Honesty Enthusiasm