Do now: How do you prepare for a special event? Chapter 22 Do now: How do you prepare for a special event?
Chapter 22 God Makes Himself Known in His Son After Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit led him into the desert. He stayed there for 40 days. Jesus returned to Galilee and began to preach about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the power of god’s love coming into the world and our lives. The Jewish people were waiting for God’s kingdom. The Jewish people thought that Jesus’ coming would restore Israel to its place of power.
Chapter 22 Jesus in the Desert
Chapter 22 The Kingdom, or reign of God was near means: God’s presence can be found in Jesus and in his actions. Freedom from sin and God’s grace is offered to all. By living in God’s presence, people can live in God’s life. Jesus accepted and welcomed all people into his life. He showed concern for the homeless and the hungry. He forgave sinners and healed those who were suffering.
Chapter 22 Jesus invited all people to follow him and his teachings People who followed Jesus became his disciples. One day Jesus’ disciples followed him to the mountains. This became known as the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus told the people how to live as disciples. He taught that true happiness is to trust in God and live as he did. These teachings of Jesus are called the “Beatitudes.” Blessed means “happy.”
Chapter 22 Sermon on the Mount
Chapter 22 The Beatitudes
Chapter 22 Jesus called his disciples to be like “salt” and “light.” We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Jesus was telling them that just as salt and light were important and necessary, so were they. Jesus also told his disciples to love their enemies, and pray for those who persecute them.
Chapter 22 Jesus taught his disciples about prayer. Prayer would keep them close to God. They could speak with God. Jesus himself prayed in silence and with others to put himself in God’s presence. While preaching the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught them to pray to God our Father. He gave them the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is the Our Father. Jesus preached in all of Galilee.
Jesus Worked Miracles Among the People Chapter 22 Jesus Worked Miracles Among the People Jesus’ first public miracle was performed at the Wedding Feast in Cana of Galilee. Jesus turned jugs of water into the finest wine at the wedding. This revealed that Jesus was divine in addition to being human. Jesus worked these wonders to those who needed help and believed in him. Jesus did not perform miracles to make himself popular. Jesus calmed a storm, fed the multitudes, healed the lepers, the blind, and the lame.
Chapter 22 Jesus healed by a simple word, or a touch. Jesus worked miracles because he loved people, especially those suffering and in need. Many that Jesus healed, left their own towns and followed him.