Il Tech Transfer, una responsabilità congiunta Programma “Open Day per Imprese” Bruno Quarta, Direttore Generale, INFN, LN Frascati, 15 giugno 2017
Transfering Public Research Back to Tax Payer A necessity... Hard to achieve Transfering Public Research Back to Tax Payer
We have people TRUST to work on arguments useful for man kind Our responsability We get Public Money We have to give it back to Tax Payers research results scientific divulgation tech transfer Any activity is good as long as there is one! We have people TRUST to work on arguments useful for man kind today, tomorrow for our good
Research, all kind As long as there is Public Money our responsability does exist not matter if we are involved in Basic research Technological research Applied research ... research ... We need to tell the Public about what we do and eventually change people life
Key activities for human kind we all work everyday for humanity meaning food health entertainment energy war (or preventing war) anything else is functional to these
Game ! GPS Touch Screen Web 3 recent technologies coming from nuclear physics that fit into you pocket ? GPS Touch Screen Web
Talking about innovation Innovation eco-system GROWTH & JOBS Public funding RESEARCH EDUCATION Tax Bussinesses Innovation Private investments Innovation = Turning Research into Money
Dealing with companies for Tech Transfer for a Public Research Institution Understanding companies Revenue and Costs streams transform – into + and + into – consider ROI (timeline) Decision Process facing the «Not invented here» internal influencers and deciders Production Cycle transforming difficulties into less difficulties including possibility of adaptation of people and production lines Market customers ? Jolly Regulatory issues Consumers
We need to have in mind the money flow Money comes from consumers Transit through companies And Eventually goes into research and R&D For 3 reasons: Increase Income Comply with regulation Reduce costs Market (B2B, B2C) drives Innovation
Talking about innovation Innovation eco-system NEW version GROWTH & JOBS Public funding RESEARCH EDUCATION Tax Bussinesses Regulations Consumers Innovation Private investments Innovation = Giving Consumer Research they ask for Innovation = Turning Research into Money
INFN organiser for Technology Transfer Activity Coordination Strategic Policies TT Office Operation, contracts and IP protection Comitato Nazionale TT Orientation and Planification Network Coordination Value Creation Scientific Network Local TT Nework Scouting Support to Research Group
Transfering our results A public AND private responsability For research , for ethic, for people