Special Topic: Methods of Crop Establishment Crop Establishment Part 1: Understanding the PalayCheck System
Methods of Crop Establishment Direct Seeding Transplanting
Direct Seeding Broadcast seeding Row Seeding widely used, easy and fast manual or mechanical weeding difficult to use Row Seeding not common as common as broadcasting better control of seed rate manual or mechanical weeding could be used
Direct Seeding: pros Direct seeded field less laborious than transplanting because no raising of seedlings in seedbeds, no pulling, and no need to transplant seedlings shorter duration of maturity. Generally, direct seeded rice matures 7-10 days earlier than transplanted rice because seedlings are not pulled. Direct seeded field
Direct Seeding: cons suitability of variety – must be vigorous, tolerant to lodging field must be well-prepared – level with small canals near the levee and in the middle of the field pre-germinated seeds should be evenly distributed extra protection against rats, birds, snails, and weeds needed
Methods of Crop Establishment Direct Seeding Transplanting
Transplanting Random (waray) planting Straight row planting done without definite distance or spacing between seedlings Straight row planting definite spacing is maintained between plants through the use of planting guides, markers, and mechanical transplanter
Transplanting: pros good head start for plant growth over weeds shorter duration in main field easy to maintain uniform plant spacing & population if planted in rows
Transplanting: cons tedious & labor- intensive drudgery & back problem difficult to find labor to plant on time during peak planting season
Transplanting Why go for straight row planting? it enhances the attainment of optimum plant spacing and population 2. it facilitates the application of fertilizers and pesticides 3. it facilitates weeding and roguing 4. off-types can be easily identified
Seedling preparation for transplanting wetbed drybed modified dapog Specific, detailed discussions on each method of seedling preparation is another special topic. Seedling preparation for transplanting mat nursery
When to transplant? direct-seed? variety to plant is best suited for transplanting (i.e. hybrid varieties) weather entails heavy rains birds, rats, golden kuhol, and weeds are main pests in the community water is abundant in the area TRANSPLANTING DIRECT-SEEDING In deciding whether to transplant or direct-seed, consider the following: variety to plant is best suited for direct-seeding (ex. NSIC Rc144) farm labor is limited labor cost is high
field seedbed Whether transplanting or direct seeding, you need to prepare seeds for sowing in the seedbed or in the field. Preparing seeds is SIPS so easy!
preparing seeds for sowing General steps in preparing seeds for sowing SIPS so easy! 1. Soak the seeds Soak seeds in clean water for 12-24 hours Wash seeds before and after soaking Change soaking water every 5-6 hours
SIPS so easy! 2. Incubate the seeds Incubate seeds at 30oC for 24-36 hours or until the root emerges Keep seeds moist and aerated
SIPS so easy! 3. Prepare the area for sowing. Prepare seedbeds a day before sowing. For direct seeding, make sure the field has already been leveled properly. Incorporate on the upper layer 10-15 bags of organic materials or 3-4 bags commercial organic fertilizer for every 400 m2 seedbed area before leveling
SIPS so easy! 4. Sow the pre-germinated seeds Sow seeds in the seedbed or in the field when the roots are starting to come out Sow seeds uniformly throughout the seedbed or the field
ANO RAW? Summary: Methods of crop establishment: Transplanting and Direct seeding Direct seeding: broadcast and row seeding Transplanting: wetbed, drybed, modified dapog, mat nursery In preparing seeds for sowing, remember SIPS!
CREDITS Mr. Glenn Ilar Note: Instructional presentation designer: Ms. Ev Parac Sources of technical content/reviewers of presentation: Mr. Glenn Ilar Note: Adapted from powerpoint presentations developed by: Mr. Salvador Yabes You may use, remix, tweak, For more information, visit: & build upon this presentation non-commercially. However, always use with acknowledgment. Unless otherwise stated, the names listed are PhilRice staffers. Produced in 2011. Text: 0920-911-1398