C l o u d s O b s e r v e r ‘IN A PREVIOUS LIFE!’
Wherever did you get that hat? New Territories, Hong Kong Modelled by Peter Rogers & George Clevitt New Territories, Hong Kong 26th April 1965
Formation Drinking Team – Northwood ‘Bungy & Charlie’ NO we didn’t dress like this all the time … sometimes we wore rig!
Charlie and Bungy doing a sketch as part of a “Sods Opera” held at Northwood to raise money for a Kids Charity in Watford.
Taken on a visit to the Arctic on board H.M.S. Hecla. (April 1970) The Frozen North! Taken on a visit to the Arctic on board H.M.S. Hecla. (April 1970) Ian Plackett Peter Squibb
Charlie and Bungy taking a trip round the flight deck of Albion in Singapore decided to assist the Air Radio guy (Mo Burgess) with his testing. This particular Mo Burgess ended up as a Police Inspector in Warwickshire.
Jan Robbie in fighting mood.
Some cartoon fun….
A team any SENIOR FORECASTER would be proud of. ‘THE MET OFFICE!’ A team any SENIOR FORECASTER would be proud of. My Team! Z z
“Honey I’m home!”
Wherever did you get that hat - 2006 version! …1st September 2006.
…even in 2009 some things have never changed! Cloud Observers are game for anything!
Modelling the latest ‘White Ensign’ bib!
Who is that modelling the ladies headgear, surely not our Webmaster!
Photos courtesy of F. Jones, A. & G. Charles and P. Squibb. Cloud Observers 2009 Compiled by Mairi Squibb