Instant Design Challenge Paper Bridge Introduction to Engineering Design © 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Documentation Use the engineering design process Presentation Name Course Name Unit # – Lesson #.# – Lesson Name Documentation Use the engineering design process Document the steps in your engineering notebook Student’s will use the engineering design process to document the steps for solving their paper bridge challenge.
Short Title as Reference Title example The Design Process Instant Challenge: Paper Bridge Instant Challenge: Paper Bridge with card stock.
Stage 1: Define the Problem This is a simple problem with no details. Example: Span Blocks with card stock
Define the Problem cont’d Design constraints; Limitations on the conditions under which a system is developed. Paper Bridge Constraints: Use 2 wooden cubes Support entire 8 1 2 x 11in card stock No paper can touch table Blocks at table height Can modify card stock Materials in final design are 2 blocks and card stock Farthest blocks will be the best design
Define the Problem cont’d Prior Solutions attempts: Document 4 website resources for the paper bridge challenge.
Stage 2: Generate Concepts Students will spend a couple of minutes to sketch their ideas. Examples:
Stage 3: Develop a Solution (2 Minutes) Spend a couple of minutes to develop a solution on one or combination of ideas generated.
Stage 4: Construct and Test Prototype (10 Minutes) Construct a workable prototype
Stage 5: Evaluate a Solution (1 Minute) Evaluation provides actionable feedback at every stage of the development process to keep you on the right track.
Stage 6: Present Solution