Year 2 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6
A little about me… Mrs Bassett I will teaching Year 2 every morning and 2 afternoons a week. In addition, I will be the assistant head of school). Mrs Calcutt will be teaching 3 afternoons a week). I’ve been teaching for 8 years. 7 of those years have been at St Stephens Community Academy, where I have been part of the Senior Leadership Team. A good knowledge of the local area (live in the area, went to L. College, etc). What I consider very important: giving children a wide range of learning experiences (including being active) and equipping them with the learning and independent skills in Year 2 in order to progress successfully when they enter Year 3. My interests: running (part of a running club and recently completed the half marathon), sewing, music and spending quality time with family and friends.
Our aim in Year 2: ‘Children to experience a range of exciting learning opportunities in order to enjoy learning and become more knowledgeable, skilful and independent learners.’
Some of my expectations (preparing them for KS2) Secure with year group phonic expectations (working on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters etc). To be organised and ready for school (with your support), e.g. PE kit in school at all times, homework handed in on time, times tables, reading and spellings practised daily. Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Telling the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to. Read daily to an adult (please comment in recording records). To write in a neat, joined cursive handwriting style. Writing with a range of punctuation: full stops, commas for lists, exclamation marks and question marks. Be able to work more independently.
Homework A homework list will be sent home in the Autumn term but here are the basic requirements. Reading: Your child needs to read to an adult every night if possible. Spellings: Your child will need to learn spellings related to the phonics they are learning. Maths: One piece of Maths will be set each week. Daily practise of times tables will also benefit your child. Additional: Your child can choose which piece of work they would like to complete.
Our topics for the year Autumn 1: All aboard Autumn 2: Superheroes Spring 1: Walking with Dinosaurs Spring 2: Green Fingers Summer 1: Walking in Windmill Woods Summer 2: Knights and Dragons
Examples of Trips/Enrichment Launceston Steam Railway Dress as a superhero day Eden Project Homeleigh Garden Centre Windmill Woods (Forest school) Launceston Castle Please let me know if you are happy to assist on any of our trips/swimming and I will contact you nearer the time if required. *There will be opportunities throughout the year for you to celebrate your child’s learning.
Any questions?