The economic analysis in the WFD National working group for economic analysis: Anneli Andersson (Lst Västernorrland) Camilla Vesterlund (Lst Norrbotten) Jens Mentzer (Lst V. Götaland) Malin Andersson (Lst Västmanland) Åse Eliasson (Lst Kalmar)
Cost-effective measures Within the WFD- the principle of cost efficiency is governing. The measures should not be distributed by sources but on cost-effectiveness measures. - The Water authority is building up information in a “Measure library” and measure planning tools in the VISS database.
Societal benefits of good water We should only improve the water quality as much as the society is willing to pay for it. If improvements costs more than it's worth-an exception / less stringent requirements from EQS should be introduced. - The Water Authority has not carried out any valuation projects so far –value transfer project - Work concerning exceptions / less stringent requirements will be performed in 2014.
Analyses of management control measures The Water Authority shall propose management control measures (taxes, new / amended legislation, more funding, etc.) so that the EQS can be achieved. - The Water Authority makes simple instrument analysis where costs and benefits are compared, in dialogue with national sector agencies, during 2013-2014 Styrmedelsanalys
Socio-economic impact assessment The socio-economic impacts should be assessed for all measures and instruments proposed in the programme of measures 2015. All benefits and costs of proposed measures should be quantified. Water Authority will be working on this in 2014.
Economic analysis of the water use The environmental impacts of households and various industries are compared to their respective "financial profile", i.e. turn-over, jobs, etc. Development scenarios / forecasts are used to “add the future” to water management. How does the growth of the industries look like and how will it affect the water quality? Are the polluters paying for themselves? Water Authority presents results from these analyses in 2013
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