Welcome to Chestnut Class September 2017
Class Rules and Expectations We are focusing on learning and learning behaviour as a school and expect children to: Follow the School’s Golden Rules and Class Contract. Adopt and encourage positive learning attitudes through the 5R’s: Resilience, Risk-taking, Resourcefulness, Reflection and Relationships. Have a ‘Growth Mindset’ by encouraging purple learning and challenging children to reach their full potential.
Talk partners, Tickled Pinks, Growing Greens and peer assessment
Rewards Reward system – gems are awarded for attitudes towards learning, reinforcing the 5 R’s. Gem Day.
A typical day in Chestnut Class Early morning activity – Spelling journals and editing previous work ‘Daily Mile’ Class/collective worship Literacy and numeracy Science/RE/Computing/French/Art Topic work and PE/Dance
2 PE sessions a week: On Wednesdays with Jo Robbins Monday’s PE session with Mrs Arnold Children need to bring in their clean kit on Monday and leave it in school all week . They should wear: Daps or trainers (trainers are better) Black shorts White t-shirt Hair should be tied up and jewellery removed. If children can’t take out new earrings, they should be studs and taped over. Children must not borrow each other’s kit. If children miss PE on 3 occasions then a letter will be sent home to inform parents/carers. PLEASE ENSURE ALL CHILDREN’S BELONGINGS ARE NAMED!
Homework Homework is set on a Friday It should take about 30 minutes and will consolidate learning from classwork Please ask if you have any concerns over homework, I will always be happy to go over any queries Homework will be due in on the following Wednesday Please initial children’s homework books when they have completed their homework.
Children will be set weekly spellings and given opportunities to practise these in school Children will be expected to write out and learn their spellings daily at home as part of their set homework
Reading Children will continue with guided reading this year. This involves the children reading a shared text in a small group with me. We will discuss the text, characters and what is happening. When not reading with me other groups will be involved in follow up tasks and reading independently. Please continue to hear your child read regularly as this forms part of their homework. Asking questions about what children have read and checking their understanding is an important part of reading comprehension.
Passport Maths Test on Fridays On-going practise is part of children’s homework
Snack Polite reminder: Children’s snack at break time should be a fruit based, healthy snack. No nuts in school please.
Trips Marlborough Flashmob Topic linked to Stone Age Britain - (letter detailing both trips sent out last week).
Thank you for your continued involvement in your child’s learning Thank you for your continued involvement in your child’s learning. Mrs Arnold