Joe Pardue Operations Team Lead and Laboratory Lead Pro2Serve QSM, Revision 5.1 Joe Pardue Operations Team Lead and Laboratory Lead Pro2Serve
QSM Updates and Changes As you heard from Fred Mclean and Alyssa Wingard on Tuesday, important changes are being made to the requirements in the QSM, Revision 5.0. We will continue to work with the U.S. Department (DoD) of Defense on all updates and changes. The QSM will continue to be a joint, consolidated DoD and DOE document. The QSM has been accepted by the audited laboratories, and they have incorporated its requirements into their policies and procedures.
QSM Updates Conference calls have been conducted on the following changes to the QSM, Revision 5.0: Radiochemistry General formula for calculating detection limit using combined standard uncertainty Digestion of sediments, sludges, and soils by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SW-846, Method 3050C Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy analysis of air Calibration blank failures Negative intercepts and negative blanks Changes to the tables
QSM Update Timeline Due to the agreement that DoD has with the accreditation bodies, the changes will not be available for DOECAP auditors to use until Fiscal Year 2017. We need everyone’s help and assistance with the development and review of the proposed updates to the QSM.
Conclusion The joint DoD/DOE QSM is a success. The consolidated document has provided uniformity and consistency. The QSM is an excellent example of different federal agencies working together for a common goal. The QSM ensures consistency in determination of data quality.