Getting Ready for Advance Metering Infrastructure
AMI by definition Infrastructure of metering systems Automates most of the metering centred repetitive activities Collects granular consumption data to deploy dynamic pricing mechanisms New payment and customer service options Control of electrical load control within the home and or businesses to improve system diversity The communications hardware , software, associated system and data management software that creates a network between advanced meters and utility business systems which allows collection and distribution of information to customers and the utility.
Is AMI same As AMR AMR is primarily focused on the ability to collect data Primary purpose of AMR systems is customer billing, and reduced costs of meter reading. AMR systems typically comprise of static meters fitted with communication devices, communication network (media) as well as supporting software to manage the data. AMI includes not only AMR, but, a system that collects time-differentiated energy usage from advanced meters. Capable of providing information which enables utilities to provide demand response products & customers participation. System supports other operational and customer service, e.g. outage management, connect/disconnect, customer load management etc.
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) AMI vs AMR Business processes Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Meters Electronic Electronic with LAN, HAN, load profile and disconnect. Data Collection Monthly Remote using LAN communication, more frequent Data recording Cumulative kWh Half hourly so that dynamic prices can be applied. Business opportunities Monthly consumption based billing Customer payment option Pricing options Utility Operations Demand response Emergency response Key business processes Billing Customer information system Customer data display Outage management Emergency demand response. Customer’s participation None In Home Display, cost and environmental consciousness. Demand response programs Additional devices Utility controlled customer load Smart thermostats / Compressor
Benefits of AMI - Utility Elimination of manual metering capital costs Fewer meter reading related issues and call center traffic. Utilities can have innovative time-of-use price offers to suit consumers’ needs; and Interval data collection also helps to detect supply faults and respond to them more quickly – Faster outage detection and proactive restoration Flexible billing cycle – Improved cash flow Daily energy balancing for each DT Transformer load management Much more………………… Other benefits – Reduction in “high bill” complaints as the customer can be notified should their consumption rise above the credit threshold. Opening avenues of consumer segmentation by capturing load profile data and doing load research. Cost free meter re-reads Flexible billing cycle, matching the consumer’s cash flow Billing adjustmentsImproved metering accuracy. Faster outage detection and proactive restoration. Faster response to power quality problems like low voltage, neutral floating. Reduction in false outage dispatches Increased revenues from more rapid outage restoration (reduced loss of sales) Daily energy balancing for each distribution transformer Better data for use in optimizing planning and operations Voltage monitoring Transformer load management Reduction in load research costs System planning benefits Efficient revenue protection, immediate alarm in case of an attempted tamper resulting in immediate redress versus waiting for tamper discovery during monthly/ bi-monthly reads. Reduction in uncollectible accounts: very few estimated bills which reduces re-billing. Reduction in revenue losses from unoccupied premises owing to remote disconnect and monitoring kWh increments in unoccupied premises.
AMI Components Advance Meter In Home display Suitable two way communication system Network management system (NMS) Meter Data Management (MDM)
AMI Components – Advance Meter Electronic meter with two way communication, time differentiated registers price based demand connect / disconnect load Control, interface with In-Home devices. AMI / Smart Metering with various communication technology. The products are 1Phase, 3Phase,CT/PT operated meters.
AMI Components: In-Home Display A device which details the usage data in a graphical and user friendly manner. The inhome display device can be connected to a meter to create a Home Area Network via Zigbee communication device Hardwire connection between the meter and IHD Secure Meters Limited 8
Network management System NMS is a combination of Hardware and Software used to monitor and administer a network. This NMS needs to be linked to the ERP system What this system needs to do? Manage connect/ disconnect Manage alarm, events and other notifications 9
Meter Data Management (MDM) The definition of a meter data management solution can vary based upon the implementation. At a minimum, MDM provides a database repository and utility-specific business logic to: Automate and streamline the complex process of collecting meter data from multiple meter data collection technologies Evaluate the quality of that data and generate estimates where errors and gaps exist Deliver that data in the appropriate format to utility billing systems The critical role of an MDM system is to pre-process granular interval meter data at large volumes very quickly.
Two Way communication system Technical Architecture / Landscape NMS Systems Two Way communication system Advanced Meter In Home Display DLC Mesh Radio GPRS PLC MDM Z wave WiMAX Zigbee Gas 1φ1E 1φME 3φ CIP HEC Customer Web Access B2B links 11
AMI in India What are the main drivers – Demand shortage Theft management Load control System automization Better system economics Govt. has taken a step forward in long term AMI direction, by defining a sort of similar system in RAPDRP. Combination of RF, DLC, GPRS communication network seems to be favorable for most of the areas. More work needs to be done wrt - detailing out system functionalities, overall implementation and technology trials.
AMI Features / Programs Demand Response TOD switching Dynamic Pricing Critical Peak Pricing Real Time Pricing Load Control Remote switching Outage detection Grouping of meters Safety & Security
AMI - Functionalities Remote and local reading of interval data Routine reads Special reads Customer supply control Disconnection Re-connection Auto-disconnection Time Clock Synchronisation Load Control Load control groups Controlled load management at meters Events for daily reporting and other events Quality of Supply & other event recording Meter loss of supply Under-voltage & Over-voltage recording Interface to Home Area Network (HAN) Tamper Detection Current reversal Cover and terminal cover open detection Remote Firmware Upgrades
Planning AMI Deployment Identify the current challenges of your business process. Identify the future challenges that your business, your customer and the society may encounter. Define AMI vision statement based upon the above. Start with a pay-back analysis. Telescopically plan your AMI rollout keeping the most rewarding benefits in the first few phases. Don’t re-invent the wheel; take suitable help from vendors and consultants as the cost of advice is insignificant in terms of benefits and avoiding rework.
Planning AMI deployment Select communication technology and backend system on the basis of above mentioned parameters. Define specification accordingly. Bids to be called on the basis of clear understanding of requirement of system NOT only product. Bids selection should be on the basis of complete system implementation.
Few Similar Projects executed Northern Ireland: over 220,000 meters deployed India: Largest grid metering project at MSETCL 200,000 meters using low power radio Australia: AMI projects, about 100,000 meters EDF Energy, UK: Smart metering project (EDRP) Other projects in the UK
Thank You Thanks Madhur Kumar Srivastava +919971168418