Active Learning A few quick wins on being the guide on the side rather than being the sage on the stage
Why I Introduced Active Learning Frustrated with lack of engagement I used to get really annoyed at people using their phones No real sense of achievement for me or from the students I wanted to make a difference So I changed
A definition created by my students (facilitated by me) A move away from the boring (didactic) lecture/teaching style, where we are on our phones or laptops rather than listening to the teacher. Active learning makes learning fun through tasks or activities, where we use our phones more for learning and where we want to learn and be involved. We learn without realising we have been learning.
Think- Pair- Share – compare based on Wolf et al. (2015) Pose a question Autonomous reflection to come up with an answer (smart devices used) Pair off to discuss answers Compare Feedback to class
Twitter based on Biech (2015) A week (or sometimes longer) prior to a session I tweet a statement or question (this is ideal for replacing a large didactic lecture) The students comment using hashtag # currently using #LAIBSEDI also we all post articles we have found Storify the comments and place on VLE (prior to class) ready for discussion in class (put up on screen) I encourage students to tweet in class using # High student engagement, develops real depth of learning and can be fun
Post it notes One sentence on how you feel about ACTIVE LEARNING I use this regularly
References Biech, E., 2015. 101 Ways to Make Learning Active Beyond the Classroom. John Wiley & Sons. Wolff, Margaret, et al. "Not another boring lecture: engaging learners with active learning techniques." The Journal of emergency medicine 48.1 (2015): 85-93.