Impact of Expanding Treatment Eligibility on ART Initiation and Retention in Care in Patients with CD4>350 cells/L: Evidence from Zambia Aaloke Mody, Izukanji Sikazwe, Carolyn Bolton, Kombatende Sikombe, Arianna Zanolini, Paul Somwe, Charles Holmes, Nancy Padian, Elvin Geng IAS 2017 Paris, France July 25, 2017 Thank you for this opportunity to present this work on behalf on my coauthors. My name is Aaloke Mody and I am from UCSF and also CIDRZ in Zambia. The title of this talk is the Impact of Expanding Treatment Eligibility on ART Initiation and Retention in Care in Patients with a CD4 greater than 350 in Zambia
Background The real world effects of adopting “treat all” are difficult to know RCTs demonstrate efficacy in well-controlled environments making extrapolation uncertain Positive effects of expanding eligibility may be both direct and indirect and should be quantified to sharpen our understanding of the benefits Negative spillover effects—such as increased congestion and crowding out of patients—need to be identified to minimize unintended consequences Real world program data is the most relevant for these questions, but causal inference is limited with observational data using traditional methods The real world effects of expanding ART eligibility as we move into the era of “treat all” are difficult to know RCTs demonstrate efficacy in well-controlled environments making extrapolation to the real world uncertain click The positive effects of expanding ART eligibility may be both direct and indirect and these should be quantified to sharpen our understanding of the benefits Similarly negative spillover effects such as increased congestion and crowding out of patients should be identified to minimize unintended consequences. Click Real world program data is the most relevant for answering these questions, but causal inference is often limited with observational data when using traditional methods WHO HIV Treatment Guidelines 2015; Abdool Karim NEJM 2015; Fox PLOS Med 2017
Background Quasi-experimental designs offer an underused solution by approximating experimental conditions in real world data Regression discontinuity used in South Africa to assess effects of ART eligibility in those with a CD4 below 350 cells/L Zambia adopted universal treatment in December 2016, but previously changed its HIV treatment guidelines on April 1, 2014 to expand ART eligibility to include: Patients with a CD4 between 350 and 500 cells/L All pregnant and breastfeeding women (and their partners) under Option B+ We leverage this 2014 guideline change in a quasi-experimental study design to shed light onto what might be expected when expanding to “treat all” Quasi-experimental study designs offer an underused strategy to address these challenges by approximating experimental conditions in real world data An example of this is regression discontinuity which has been previously used in South Africa to assess the effects of ART eligibility in those with a CD4 below 350 Click Zambia adopted universal treatment in December 2016, but prior to this, it changed its HIV treatment guidelines on April 1, 2014 to expand ART eligibility to include patients with a CD4 between 350 and 500 as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women and their partners under Option B+. We leverage this 2014 change in Zambia’s HIV treatment guidelines in a quasi-experimental study design to shed light onto what might be expected when expanding to “treat all” Bor Curr Opin HIV/AIDS 2015; Kluberg CROI 2016; Bor CROI 2016; Zambia HIV Guidelines 2010, 2014
Study Objectives To estimate the real world effects of expanding treatment eligibility on ART initiation and retention in care To quantify the effect of ART initiation on retention in care for HIV-infected individuals with high CD4 counts Our study objectives are: To estimate the real world effects of expanding treatment eligibility on ART initiation and retention in care. To quantify the effect of ART initiation on retention in care for patients with high CD4 counts
Study Population Measurements Better Info for Health study ART naïve patients greater than 15 years old Newly enrolling 7 months before and after the change in Zambia’s treatment guidelines (September 1, 2013 to November 1, 2014) Excluded patients enrolling within 1 month of the change to account for a transition period 64 clinics supported by the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) in Lusaka, Eastern, Western, and Southern Provinces Measurements Better Info for Health study Sampling-based tracing to ascertain outcomes in LTFU EMR system used in routine HIV care in Zambia (SmartCare) Clinical forms manually filled by providers and entered into the electronic database along with lab data by data clerks Our study population included ART naïve patients greater than 15 years old that newly enrolled in HIV care 7 months before and after this change in Zambia’s treatment guidelines We excluded patients enrolling within 1 month of the change to account for a transition period as the new guidelines were being rolled out We looked at patients enrolling at one of 64 clinics supported by the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia or CIDRZ click Our measurements were obtained from the Better Info for Health study, which is a Gates-funded study using sampling-based tracing to ascertain outcomes in patients LTFU. And we also used data from the electronic medical record system used in routine HIV care in Zambia called SmartCare
Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) RDD to estimate the real world effects of implementing guidelines Compare patients enrolling just before and after the change (local) Assume similar on measured and unmeasured characteristics, thus, exposure is as random Outcomes ART Initiation by 3 months Retention in Care at 6 months Visit between 3 and 9 month post-enrollment In care and on ART at 6 months Composite Outcome We used a regression discontinuity design to estimate the real world effects of implementing new guidelines For this study design, we compare patients enrolling just before and just after the change in guidelines. As the rollout date is arbitrary, we can assume that patients enrolling before and after will be similar on both measured and unmeasured characteristics, making assignment to exposure as random Click Our three main outcomes were: 1) ART initiation within 3 months of enrollment 2) Retention in care at 6 months which we defined as having made at least one visit between 3 and 9 months post-enrollment. 3) A composite outcome of having started ART at 3 months and still in care at 6 months. We used a local linear regression adjusting for CD4, age, and gender and then also weighted patients proportional to how close they enrolled to the cutoff to strengthen the validity of the underlying RD assumptions We also conducted sensitivity analyses varying the bandwidth around the cutoff and length of the transition period to ensure the robustness of our results which we do not show here. Model Local linear regression adjusted for CD4, age, and gender Patients weighted proportional to how close they enrolled to the cutoff Sensitivity analyses varying bandwidths around cutoff and length of transition period (results not shown) Bor Epidemiology 2014
RD Instrumental Variable (IV) Analysis We used implementation of new guidelines as an IV to estimate the effect of ART initiation on retention in care Provides unbiased estimates even when there is unmeasured confounding between the treatment (ART initiation) and outcome (retention) under certain assumptions IV is associated with the treatment There are no common causes of the IV and the outcome The IV only affects the outcome through the treatment We also leveraged this RD design and used implementation of new guidelines as an instrumental variable to estimate the real world effect of ART initiation on retention in care. The benefits of an IV analysis is that it can provide unbiased estimates even when there is unmeasured confounding between a treatment—in this case ART initiation—and the outcome—retention in care—under certain assumptions. The instrument…in this case implementation of guidelines…is associated with the treatment There are no common causes of the instrument and the outcome The instrument affects the outcome only through the treatment of interest In this situation, we estimate the effect of ART initiation on retention in care for those patients who initiated ART in response to the change in guidelines, also called the local average treatment effect Swanson Epidemiology 2013
Patient Subgroups* Always Eligible: Eligible by 2010 Guidelines at enrollment CD4 less than or equal to 350 cells/L WHO Stage 3 or 4 Active Tuberculosis Unable to identify patients with serodiscordant partners or HBV coinfection and severe liver disease Newly Eligible: Eligible by 2014 Guidelines at enrollment CD4 between 350 and 500 cells/L Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women Unable to identify partners of pregnant or breastfeeding women Not Yet Eligible: Not Eligible by 2010 or 2014 Guidelines at enrollment CD4 greater than 500 cells/L *Defined irrespective of the actual date of enrollment For our analyses, we defined 3 patient subgroups which were defined irrespective of their actual date of enrollment Our first subgroup were “Always Eligible” patients who would have been eligible by the 2010 guidelines at enrollment. These were patients who had a CD4 below 350, WHO Stage 3 or 4, or had active TB Data limitations prevented us from ascertaining patients with serodiscordant partners and patients with HBV coinfection and severe liver disease who also would have been in this category Our second subgroup were newly eligible patients who would have been eligible by the 2014 guidelines These were patients with a CD4 between 350 and 500 or pregnant and breastfeeding women We were limited in our ability to identify partners of pregnant and breastfeeding women Our last subgroup were not yet eligible patients who had a CD4 above 500 and would not have been eligible by either the 2010 or 2014 guidelines.
Study Population Patient Characteristics at Enrollment, n=23,644 Gender, n (%) Male 9,431 (39.9) Female 9,410 (39.8) Pregnant or Breastfeeding Female 4,803 (20.3) Median Age, years (IQR) 34 (28, 41) Median CD4 count, cells/L (IQR) 267 (134, 430) WHO Stage, n (%) 1 11,092 (53.7) 2 3,740 (18.1) 3 5,345 (25.9) 4 469 (2.3) Recent TB, n (%) 1,312 (5.5) Patient Subgroup, n (%) Always Eligible 16,567 (70.1) Newly Eligible 4,455 (18.8) Not Yet Eligible 2,622 (11.1) Province, n (%) Lusaka 4,277 (18.1) Eastern 13,641 (57.7) Southern 2,838 (12.0) Western 2,888 (12.2) Study Population 32,675 patients newly enrolled during our study period and 23,644 were included in our final analysis Click Newly enrolling patients had a median CD4 of 267 and about 70% would have been eligible by the 2010 guidelines at the time of enrollment.
Patient Characteristics at Enrollment, n=23,644 Always Eligible n=16,567 Newly Eligible n=4,455 Not Yet Eligible n=2,622 Pre-Guidelines n=8,711 Post-Guidelines n=7,856 n=2,141 Post-Guidelines n=2,314 n=1,276 Post-Guidelines n=1,346 Gender, n (%) Male 3,876 (44.5) 3,560 (45.3) 520 (24.3) 567 (24.5) 442 (34.6) 466 (34.6) Female 3,255 (37.4) 2,964 (37.7) 731 (34.1) 746 (32.2) 834 (65.4) 880 (65.4) Pregnant or Breastfeeding Female 1,580 (18.1) 1,332 (17.0) 890 (41.6) 1001 (43.3) Median Age, years (IQR) 35 (29, 42) (30, 42) 31 (25, 37) 32 (27, 39) 33 (27, 41) Median CD4 count, cells/L (IQR) 185 (92, 279) 181 (93, 272) 436 (389, 488) 439 (394, 492) 622 (556, 758) 635 (559, 769) WHO Stage, n (%) 1 3416 (43.4) 3002 (43.3) 1409 (80.5) 1495 (79.2) 844 (78.3) 926 (82.3) 2 1321 (16.8) 1253 (18.1) 341 (19.5) 392 (20.8) 234 (21.7) 199 (17.7) 3 2876 (36.5) 2469 (35.6) 0 (0) 4 256 (3.3) 213 (3.1) Recent TB, n (%) 675 (7.7) 637 (8.1) This is a very dense slide but the main take away is that, within each patient subgroup, patients enrolling prior to the change in guidelines were very similar to those who enrolled afterwards, helping to verify the underlying assumptions of the RD analysis.
Here we also see that the number of new patient enrollments and the patient distribution remained essentially unchanged before and after the guidelines were rolled out, also helping to verify key assumptions of our analysis.
Always Eligible: ART Initiation by 3 months These first set of slides shows results from our RD analysis in the Always Eligible group. The x-axis shows the time since the guidelines were rolled out with the dotted line representing the date of implementation. The y-axis shows the percent of patients with the outcome…in this case ART initiation at 3 months As you can see, implementing new guidelines did not effect ART initiation in “always eligible” patients Always Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value ART Initiation, % (95% CI) 75.8 (74.1, 77.4) 76.7 (75.1, 78.4) +1.0 (-1.9, 3.9) 0.507
Always Eligible: Retention in Care at 6 months It also did not effect retention in care Always Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value Retention in Care, % (95% CI) 72.2 (70.5, 74.0) 72.7 (70.9, 74.5) +0.5 (-2.6, 3.6) 0.753
Always Eligible: In Care and on ART at 6 months Nor did it effect the percentage of patients who were in care and on ART at 6 months. Always Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value In Care on ART, % (95% CI) 62.8 (60.9, 64.7) 63.9 (62.0, 65.9) +1.2 (-2.2, 4.5) 0.493
Newly Eligible: ART Initiation by 3 months Here are the results for the newly eligible patients. In this case, implementing new guidelines increased ART initiation at 3 months by 38% Newly Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value ART Initiation, % (95% CI) 33.3 (30.0, 36.6) 71.2 (67.9, 74.4) +37.9 (32.1, 43.7) <0.001
Newly Eligible: Retention in Care at 6 months It is also significantly increased retention in care at 6 months by 7%, p-value of 0.018. Newly Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value Retention in Care, % (95% CI) 65.6 (62.2, 69.0) 72.6 (69.5, 75.8) +7.0 (1.2, 12.0) 0.018
Newly Eligible: In Care and on ART at 6 months New guidelines also increased the percentage of newly eligible patients in care and on ART by 29%. Always Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value In Care on ART, % (95% CI) 29.6 (26.4, 32.9) 58.5 (55.1, 62.0) +28.9 (23.0, 34.9) <0.001
Not Yet Eligible: ART Initiation by 3 months For those with a CD4 above 500 and not yet eligible, implementation of new guidelines interestingly also increased ART initiation by about 14%, p-value <0.001 Not Yet Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value ART Initiation, % (95% CI) 13.9 (10.6, 17.1) 27.5 (23.6, 31.4) +13.6 (7.4, 19.9) <0.001
Not Yet Eligible: Retention in Care at 6 months It did not significantly effect retention in care Not Yet Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value Retention in Care, % (95% CI) 49.1 (44.5, 53.8) 53.5 (48.8, 58.1) +4.3 (-3.9, 12.6) 0.302
Not Yet Eligible: In Care and on ART at 6 months But it did increase the percent of patients in care and on ART by 9.4%, p=0.002 Not Yet Eligible Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value In Care on ART, % (95% CI) 12.8 (9.7, 15.8) 22.2 (18.6, 25.8) +9.4 (3.5, 15.3) 0.002
All Patients: ART Initiation by 3 months The overall effects of implementing new guidelines was a 9.7% increase in ART initiation All Patients Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value ART Initiation, % (95% CI) 60.2 (58.8, 61.7) 69.9 (68.4, 71.4) +9.7 (7.1, 12.2) <0.001
All Patients: Retention in Care at 6 months A minimal effect on retention All Patients Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value Retention in Care, % (95% CI) 68.3 (66.8, 69.8) 70.5 (69.0, 71.9) +2.2 (-0.4, 4.8) 0.102
All Patients: In Care and on ART at 6 months And a 7.4% increase in the percentage of patients in care and on ART. All Patients Pre-Guidelines Post-Guidelines Risk Difference p-value In Care on ART, % (95% CI) 50.5 (49.0, 52.1) 58.0 (56.4, 59.5) +7.4 (4.7, 10.1) <0.001
Newly Eligible Patients Instrumental Variable Analysis Effect of ART Initiation on Retention in Care Newly Eligible Patients 26.9% increase in retention (95% CI 20.1, 33.8%, p<0.001) Eligible by CD4: +29.3% (95% CI 20.7, 38.0%, p<0.001) Eligible by Option B+: +18.2% (95% CI 17.5, 28.8%, p<0.001) Not Yet Eligible Patients 29.1% increase in retention (95% CI 2.8, 55.5%, p=0.03) Lastly, we have the results from our instrumental variable analysis. In newly eligible patients, initiating ART increased retention in care by 26.9%. This effect was more pronounced in patients newly eligible due to CD4 (29.3% increase) compared to those newly eligible due to Option B+ (+18% increase). Additionally, we estimated that ART initiation also increased retention in care by 29% in not yet eligible patients with a CD4 above 500.
Limitations Unable to assess virologic suppression Retention is an imperfect proxy for virologic outcomes Limitations of primary data source Potential for misclassification of subgroup/outcome Potential bias from ”crossover” into post-guideline period Likely a conservative bias and sensitivity analyses suggest bias is negligible There are several limitations to our study First, we were unable to assess virologic suppression, though recent results from ZAMPHIA suggest just under 90% of patients retained in care are virologically suppressed Two, there are inherent limitations of our primary data source, and, though we did conduct chart reviews and sensitivity analyses to validate our categorization, there is still potential for bias from misclassification Lastly, there is potential bias due to patients crossing over from pre-guidelines to post-guidelines, we anticipated this to be a conservative bias and our sensitivity analyses suggested any bias was negligible.
Conclusions Effects of expanding ART eligibility Newly Eligible: Increased ART initiation by 37.9%, retention by 7.0%, and the percentage in care on ART at 6 months by 28.9% Not Yet Eligible: Increased ART initiation by 13.6% and the percentage in care and on ART by 9.4% Potentially due to informal loosening of eligibility criteria Always Eligible: No decreases in ART initiation or retention in care All Patients: 9.7% increase in ART initiation and 7.4% increase in those in care and on ART Initiating ART increased retention by ~25 to 30% in patients with CD4 greater than 350 cells/L 70% of patients still present at a more advanced stage 25% of eligible patients are not initiated on ART by 3 months 40% are not on ART and in care at 6 months In conclusion, we found that expanding ART eligibility led to overall positive effects in those with higher CD4 counts without any negative spillover effects in those with lower CD4 counts. In Newly eligible patients, ART initiation within 3 months increased by 38%, retention in care at 6 months increased by 7%, and the percentage of patients in care and on ART at 6 months increased by 29%. In patients not yet eligible for ART, the new guidelines also increased ART initiation by 14% and the percentage of patients in care and on ART by 9.4%. We posit that this is likely due to an informal loosening of eligibility criteria—a positive spillover effect. There was no evidence of negative spillover effects in always eligible patients and, overall implementing new guidelines increased ART initiation by 9.7% and the percentage of patients in care and on ART by 7.4%. Click Additionally, we estimated that initiating ART in patients with a CD4 above 350 results in about a 25 to 30% increase in retention in care. Lastly, about 70% of patients still present at a more advanced stage, 25% of eligible patients are still not initiated on ART by 3 months, and about 40% of eligible patients are not in care and on ART at 6 months
Implications Adopting “treat all” will likely lead to similar improvements in the number of patients on ART and retained in care without crowding out sicker patients Substantial efforts are still needed to diagnose and link patients to care earlier and keeping them retained in care Overall effects of expanding ART eligibility alone may be modest Further evidence still needed on real world effects of “treat all” Its overall impact on virologic suppression Better understanding of those that never start ART or quickly drop out Targeted interventions for those that don’t benefit from eligibility alone Quasi-experimental designs are a powerful and necessary tool for understanding the effects of real world implementation of evidence-based interventions Based on these results, we believe we will likely see similar improvements in number of patients on ART and retained in care as we move into the era of ”treat all”, without associated negative spillover effects click Nevertheless, depending on the underlying population, the overall effects of expanding ART eligibility alone may be modest, and substantial efforts are still needed to improve earlier diagnosis and linkage to care and keeping those patients retained. Further evidence is still needed into the real world effects of “treat all” specifically Its effect on virologic suppression A better understanding of those patients eligible for ART that still don’t start or drop out shortly after And then targeted interventions for these patients that don’t benefit from eligibility alone Click Lastly, quasi experimental research designs are a powerful and necessary tool to understand the effects of real world implementation of evidence-based interventions
Thank you! UCSF Elvin Geng Monika Roy Megha Mehrotra Nancy Czaicki (in memorium) UC Berkeley Nancy Padian JHU Charles Holmes CIDRZ Izukanji Sikazwe Carolyn Bolton-Moore Thea Savory Mwanza wa Mwanza Kombatende Sikombe Arianna Zanolini Paul Somwe Jake Pry Anjali Sharma Zambian Ministry of Health Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation