50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA SYNOPSIS The HIV & AIDS epidemic is the most challenging issue faced by South Africa since the birth of its democracy. Disabled persons have a variety of defects like impairment of hearing, speech and vision, different forms of physical and mental disabilities. All the above categories are vulnerable to sexual abuse due to their limitation in hearing , reason or argue rationally, inability to hear and respond to the spoken word/request appropriately. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA OBJECTIVES Setup appropriate communication techniques on HIV & AIDS for blind and deaf persons. Educate people with different disabilities about the concepts “HIV & AIDS” and “gender based violence” Provide a counseling programs for the disabled and doing referrals/follow-up were necessary to the relevant structures. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA BACKGROUND Provide support for the infected and affected HIV & AIDS disabled persons i.e visiting them, giving advices, providing them with orientation and mobility skills and etc. Home based care programs for disabled persons. ARV management programs for disabled persons 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA KEY ACTIVITIES Translation of HIV & AIDS and GBV material into Braille Production of audio material on both GBV and HIV & AIDS Workshops on Gender Based Violence and HIV-AIDS conducted at institutions for the disabled Health education day Voluntary Counseling and Testing service at their homes and institutions Negotiating and delivery of ARVs to disabled persons either to their homes or institutions Fundraising in order to carry out the above activities lobbying for the amendments or repeal of discriminatory legislations. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS Amount local currency (specify) Amount in Rand Gender specific allocation All Programmes of SANABP R50 000.00 Gender in mainstream projects (please specify) Gender Based Violence Workshop Polokwane Municipality and FPD – Venue and Catering R48 000.00 Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner organisations (please specify) Polokwane Municipality HIV/AIDS Training +Venue R10 000.00 TOTAL R108 000.00 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA BENEFICIARIES CATEGORY WOMEN MEN TOTAL % WOMEN Direct beneficiaries e.g. number of parliamentarians trained 71 45 116 70% Indirect beneficiaries (e.g. through other networks) 92 35 127 80% Online beneficiaries (e.g. website access, mailing lists, scholarly articles) 200 69 269 92% Total 363 149 512 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA CHALLENGES Lack of funding Lack of transport to deliver ARV’s to our beneficiaries lack of qualified professionals due to insufficient funding The organization even attempted to start its advice centre involving the services of disabled and non-disabled paralegals who will help in assisting, advising and conducting community out rich on GBV issues. To strengthen the relationship between SANABP, police, department of Justice and constitutional development. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
MONITORING AND EVALUATION Attendance register were use as an evaluation tool to measure the 50/50 gender equality. House to house visit Attendance least [which is used to register the participants to the workshops[, Evaluation forms [which is completed by the participants at the end of the campaign to measure the quality of the campaign conducted. Service questionnaire which is used to evaluate the service 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA RESULTS Use one slide for each result, include examples of evidence Service delivery Women’s empowerment Men for change Public participation Changes at the work place Outreach through the media Changes at household level Capacity building Changes in attitudes Changes at a policy level Any other changes 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Women’s Empowerment Women who are HIV positive and became blind are being trained how to take care of themselves, like using a walking stick, to touch and feel things like money so that they are not raped. We empower the blind on HIV and AIDS, Gender Based Violence and the Act of People with Disability and encourage them to do hand works. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
Changes in attitude The Police support us, any incident that has been reported they give us feedback or deal with the matter. I have been nominated as Deputy Chairperson of Gender Forum in Polokwane Municipality. Our voices are heard.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION We do have campaign, casual day where by we visit government stakeholders to educate them about the blind people and any other disability.
LESSON LEARNED AND INNOVATION We have learned that disabled people need more access to information, support, protection and involvement We organised workshops, distributed brailled information - We involved our beneficiaries in different forums around Polokwane dealing with HIV and gender 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LEARNING AND SHARING WITH PARTNERS My learning and sharing with other organization increased my knowledge on GBV and other issues related to it as well as most concepts around GBV itself. My participation in the Gender forum [Polokwane municipality] engaged me in several trainings on gender based violence, Hate Crime and HIV/AIDS. My meeting with Sam Nkuna [from SAMAG[ made us as part of SANABP to bare in mind that GBV does not affects women only and as such, men need to be involved. The information sharing that we had during a workshop on GBV by Nkhuseleko[polokwane] engaged me with other organizations dealing with GBV 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION Getting more funds for the projects - Breaking the silence about disability issues other organisations and departments - Partnership with other organisation 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA KEY PRIORITIES FOR 2014 Access to information Empowerment(skills development &Economic empowerment Establishment of home based carers for disabled people - Encourage ambassadors to come out 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA