Enrollment Management RC Purpose – Provide direction and coordination of efforts of multiple offices which includes admissions, student financial services and scholarship. Composition: Undergraduate Admissions Transfer/Adult Center Graduate Admissions Student Financial Services Scholarship
Enrollment Management RC - Financial Outlook E&G General Original Budget FY 2015-16 Budget Request FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Revenue 318,500 349,500 Personnel Expense 2,948,902 2,867,443 3,086,945 Non-Personnel Expense 1,204,597 1,579,622 1,554,027 Net Budget Request 3,834,999 4,097,565 4,291,472 Increases/(Decreases) to FY16 Original Budget (31,000) (81,459) 138,043 375,025 349,430 Total Change to FY16 Original Budget 262,566 456,473
Enrollment Management RC – Budget Realignment SCHOLARSHIP Includes - 1 FTE (funded by the Foundation for 5 years) WhiteBoard communications Software
Enrollment Management RC – Budget Realignment STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES Comprised of Financial Aid and Student Accounts Includes - 13.5 FTE Hired a Director which leaves a vacancy (Assistant Director) Work with new Director to restructure the office in order to improve student service with no change in budget. Vacancy - .5 (search underway)
Enrollment Management RC – Budget Realignment ADMISSIONS Includes – Undergraduate – 14.5 FTE Transfer/Adult – 3 FTE Graduate – 1.5 FTE Vacancy - .5 (search underway) Vacancy – Assistant Director/Multicultural Recruiter (search underway) Project Manager and staff responsibility changes during the Customer Relations Management (CRM) product implementation. Hire new Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management (May 2017) Enrollment Management consultant during Interim.
Enrollment Management RC – Highest Priority Activities Implement the CRM system, Target X – Summer 2016 Recruitment module – significant increase in our communication flow with prospects through emails, texting capabilities, events management, and travel management. Continue using YouVisit to take the campus to the student. Improve use of the virtual tour with targeted audiences like out-of-state and transfer prospects. Refine strategies to utilize scholarships to yield more students with a higher academic and socio-economic profile so they can be better retained. Deliver merit-based scholarship message at time of admission – within one week of acceptance. Use the changes in the financial aid process, specifically Prior-Prior-Year (PPY), to our advantage. Provide an earlier notification of estimated cost to attend (November). Be more competitive with private and out-of-state schools.