The Career Services of the University of Pisa
General purposes The Career Services of the University of Pisa was established in June 2008 with the aim of facilitating the relationships between Academia and Enterprises in order to enhance job opportunities for students and new graduates. The Service operates at central level under the supervision of the Rector’s Delegate, prof.ssa Monica Pratesi, and provides its services to the whole community of students, thanks to an internal network that connects the 20 departments of the University. The main activities are: Intermediation with HR managers of Companies and Enterprises interested in recruiting University talents; Advise and counseling to students/graduates to help them entering the job market Conducting surveys to monitoring the employment rate of graduates Monitoring the job market
Services to Enterprises/Companies We facilitate their contacts with students and graduates through the use of the official Data Base: access to CVs, job posting, newsletters We offer support in pre-selection of suitable candidates We collaborate in the organization of on campus presentations/workshops (i.e. business games, Innovation Camps, etc.) to give them the opportunitiy of telling the students what they do, what they need and how they recruite Organization of Recruiting Days and Job Fairs
Services to Students/Graduates We provide advice and vocational guidance to easier their entrance into the job market We give information about vacancies and job opportunities We offer individual and group counseling, with the help of career coaches and of a psychologist We promote job opportunities and mobility abroad We offer seminars and workshops to improve presentation techniques and soft skills (CV writing, job interviews, simulation of an assessment center …) We involve them in all the activities organized in collaboration with the companies (presentations, career days, etc.)
Monitoring Careers and Job Market We conduct surveys aimed at analyzing graduates' employment. Surveys are conducted 1 year, 3 years and 5 years after graduation, in collaboration with other Italian Universities (AlmaLaurea). We provide academic and administrative staff of the University with information and statistics about the job market and mainly about the performances of our graduates.
Contacts Career Services Via Filippo Buonarroti 1 Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00 – 11.00 Tuesday and Thursday: 15.00-17.00 Job Placement Unipi